Get Your Fat Ass Off Me! Jkjk I Love You

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Annabeth P.O.V

          "Annabeth!" I slowly opened my eyes to Piper running full speed at my bed though the tiny apartment. 

    "Shit" I muttered to myself as I rolled off the side of my mattress to avoid my bestfriend, lets just say that woke me up. In my defense though falling on splinters felt way better than being tackled by Piper. Silently I rolled over and looked at the culprit of my new bruises, Piper was sitting on my bed giggling at my current position. 

    "Morning to you too Pipes" I grumbled to said giggling girl. She crawled off the bed to help me up and sat back down as I stood in front of her. Staring at her she cocked her head to the side.




    "I need to make up my bed now, that's why dumb dumb" Piper slinked off my bed and walked off but not before lightly punching me and calling out.

"what happened to being a morning person Annie" She taunted then ran off.

"Don't call me Annie!" I could hear Piper's giggles getting lower and lower. What am I going to do with that girl? Neatly making my bed then made my way into the kitchen. My daily cup of coffee was sitting on the counter courtesy of Piper.

"This Piper, This is when I become a morning person" I held out my cup of coffee to her.

"Why were you so tired anyway" I sipped on my drink.

"Dude. Do you even remember how many times you had to redo the bridge" Piper stroked her fake beard and pretended to think. Rolling my eyes I continued.

"Last night it was my turn to edit, and I already had a bunch of homework"

"Annabeth, today's Saturday homework is not even due till next week" I shrugged it off finished my coffee and scurried to take a shower before the hot water was gone. Now energized and refreshed I slipped on some denim shorts and a plain black T-shirt. Piper has not moved an inch from the couch so I flopped down next to her with a book in hand. I was completely engrossed in my book, until Piper started oohing and awhing at her phone. Shifting my gaze, her phone screen was lit up showing graffiti on the side of a building. It was beautiful art but illegal. Beautifully wrong, I should use that in my next song. Mentally tucking that lyric away I looked at Piper who was tapping on my shoulder.

"Come on let's go" Piper was already up and ready to leave.

"What where?" Piper shook her head at me.

"To the artwork down the street of course" she was already halfway out the door.

   "Oh,you mean the graffiti" Piper froze and stared me dead in the eye. Man if looks could kill.

  "No I mean art, now let's go" I just shook my head at my crazy bipolar best friend.

  "Ok just give me a-" Piper was gone. I slide on my slides stubbing my toe while doing so, then ran out the door seeing Piper already down the hall. I heard the door shut behind me as I attempted to put my hair into a bun while running at full speed down a narrow hallway. I made it into the elevator where Piper was laughing.

  "Damn girl, ever thought of joining the Olympics"

I punched her.

Percy P.O.V

    Today was a day, I woke up before dawn to get to work early. Where do I  work you might ask, well I'm an artist. An undercover artist, some people call me a delinquent, but I believe otherwise. I had finished the last of my work just as the sun rose. Shoving my used can of spray paint in my backpack and clearing the vicinity, but not before taking an epic picture of my newest master piece. Breaking into my best friends home was a normal occurrence for me so Jason didn't mind when I came barging in covered in paint.

  "Yo Jace! Where are you?" He called back from upstairs so I dropped my bag by the door and walked up the stairs.

    "What you doing bro?" He had his head phones in, and when he looked at me he signalled that he was on the phone. I knodded my head and turned to go rummage through his kitchen.

    "Say hi to Piper for me!" Laughing as I closed the door behind me, Jason ended up flipping off the door rather than me, poor door.

   I ended up grabbing a random box of cereal and shoving my hand in. Jason came down a few minutes later.

   "I wasn't even talking to Pipes" he muttered, I laughed. He suddenly took the box of cereal out of my hand.

  "Come on bro, I washed my hands" he shook his head at me, rude much. I got over it, my stomach on the other hand was not taking such bull. So I grabbed ingredients to make a sandwich.

  "You better be making me one too Percy" Jason said from his place on the sofa. How'd he even know?

  "And why should I superman" I joked.

  "Who's house is this" he had a point.

  "Yes oh great hero, I would be honored to make you a super sandwich" so I made Jason the best sandwich ever. Best cousin award goes to who?

A/n whoo first fanfic and im actually excited about writing this. Its percy frickin jackson for crying out loud! Not to mention percabeth will insue, should I add Rachel to cause an up roar, I mean I did say chaos would happen.  😁 peace out y'all.


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