Part 50

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As Thomas drags me along after getting tickets for the both of us I'm having second thoughts. The Ferris wheel looks ten times bigger up close, and one hundred times scarier.

"Look, you should know I'm not good with heights." I say to Thomas nervously, my eyes wide while he's the definition of calm.

"That's why it's good to conquer your fears." Thomas says, pulling me closer to the entrance.

"Seriously! That thing is huge!" I say, flailing my arms about in front of the massive Ferris wheel.

Thomas squeezes my hand and looks back at me, "I'll be right beside you Bells, nothing bad can happen."

I nod, taking a deep breath and we make it to the platform.

"Let's get on this next one." Thomas says as the next carriage urges closer.
Until it's right in front of us and Thomas quickly steps in.

I'm reluctant to get in as it slowly moves away. The prince quickly puts two hands on either side of my waist and lifts me easily to be beside him in the carriage.

I look out the window to see we are going up, "This wasn't a good idea."

"Bells," Thomas says seriously and I sit down and try to relax, "Hey look at me. You've seen some of London now, what's it like back in Australia?"

I can see he's trying to distract me so I look into his green eyes and squeeze his hands, "Different. More sun, sandy beaches, but at least the weather doesn't change much here, it's unpredictable in Melbourne."

I talk to him but start to get distracted as we get higher and higher, nearly to the top. The little carriage we are in seems like it could fall off at any time and we could go rolling away.

The rickety frames and squeaky platforms are enough to make me want to be back on solid ground.

"Bells, eyes on me." Thomas instructs and I draw my eyes from the window to meet his.

Again he tries to take my mind off the height, "Have I told you why I like you?" He asks and looks at me sweetly.

"Uh, no I don't believe you have." I reply and he smiles at me softly.

Thomas doesn't hesitate as he starts to speak, "Well, I like how your smart, very brave and funny. I like how we like the same things like photography and archery. I like your hair, it's so beautiful."

Carefully Thomas traces a thumb across my cheek, brushing away my loose hairs from my face. It makes me blush.

"I like your eyes." He continues, looking at me so kindly I feel like he's staring right into me. My heart flutters in my chest as we are so close, stuck in a tiny carriage up so high, together.

Thomas then smirks, "And I like your lips, I really like them." He traces his thumb over my bottom lip and it tingles from his touch.

This man is going to be the death of me.

Then he pulls me in gently and kisses me. At the top of the London Eye he's kissing me and I feel like my whole body is on fire.

When we pull apart my cheeks are flaming and my heart is pounding as we begin our decent down the other side.

"Well, do you know what I like about you?" I ask and run circles along his big strong hands.

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