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He doesn't understand why when he held his hand, he felt calm, at ease and everything felt much more fresh and breathable. 

He doesn't hear the fangirls that continued to scream outside, probably still looking for him. 

He felt completely calm, not an inch of panic crowds his mind. 

The thought of it is slightly terrifying, but he finds it interesting, so he doesn't argue when Midoriya squeezes his hand and holds on or when he smiles and talks about his visit with his mother and how his friend got a pancake stuck to the ceiling at 3.47 AM. 

He listens. 

And he speaks too. He tells him about how he and his brothers thought microwaving a turkey was a good idea and how his mother enjoys the cookies they baked even though the process was a disaster and ends with the kitchen in a mess. 

They just talk. About life and how hectic it is, how bloody stupid it can be and the weather when things became awkward. 

But he's happy he has someone he could talk to about things like this now.  


He feels happy, on cloud nine. Normally they don't talk about these things face to face, honestly they don't talk about it at all. 

He finally gets to see the side that Shoto Todoroki doesn't show the world. 

He finds it amazing.  

He's pretty funny and quirky. Even a famous actor like him does stupid things. Todoroki said that someone told him to wear a stupid sweater to a party because everyone else is doing it, so he does. 

Apparently it was a joke and someone nearly died laughing while Todoroki went into the toilet to switch back to his normal clothes, unamused. 

And by the time they finished laughing and joking, they went through 3 cups of coffee and hit the midnight clock. It was nearing 1 AM which wasn't a healthy thing to do.  

So they part ways, both smiling happily as they went back home. 


Midoriya was a nice person, the kindest and cutest one he ever met. He has freckles, and his hair is just a giant green floof. He wants to touch it and squish his chubby cheeks for some reason. He found out that he had a physique too and he goes to the gym every morning. 

Look he can be emotionally constipated at times but that doesn't mean he's like Bakugo Katsuki, his make-up artist that decides whether he wants to do his make-up depending on how shitty his day is.  

He knows he likes Midoriya, even if they only met a few times for business reasons and texted more over phone.  

Next week might be they're last meeting. Assuming they don't bump into each other again.

Which isn't a very nice thought. 

He isn't ready to confess, so he'll think of something else instead, anything to keep meeting him. 


He'll be honest with himself, he's already intrigued with everything Todoroki Shoto. He didn't stalk him online on social media or anything (only once, which led to him finding out Todoroki is actually a regular here).  

They meet again, for the last time before they part ways. 

He already wrote out the article and now he justs needs to let Todoroki check it out before sending it in to the publisher.  

They made an agreement not to change anything he writes and he'll be there to make sure they don't seeing how serious Todoroki's case it and how much he wants to stop his hectic life. 

He turns his laptop to face Todoroki and he watches silently as he reads over the article. He made sure everything was authentic and true to Todoroki's words. 

After all, he only reports the truth, and he'll stick to that even after he dies.   

He waits for a few minutes. Todoroki kept rereading it and rereading it before he finally looks up at him. 

"It's beautiful." 

Midoriya smiles. He saves the document just in case. "Do you want me to change anything?"  

Todoroki hums before shaking his head, smiling. "It's 100 percent the truth and you didn't twist anything I said".  

Midoriya nods and saves the document again. He's had way too much experience with accidentally deleting and forgetting to save a document and rewriting it once more before repeating the same mistake again. 

He punches in the last word and… period. He sends the email with the document attached and shuts his laptop. 

He'll head to the publishing firm tomorrow to recheck everything and to see if they changed anything before making sure it comes out in the magazine and newspaper as the same he wrote.  

Midoriya stretches and takes a sip out of his coffee. The air was now awkward and he didn't know what to do. 

Their business was done. Todoroki didn't have anything to do with him now as the rest of it is up to him to take care of.  

He would like to know him better, though, he isn't sure Todoroki does. Said man is just staring out the window as he drinks his latte. 

Maybe he should leave. 

"So…, since my work is done, I'll be taking my leave…" Midoriya mumbles. He slings his bag over his shoulder while shoving his laptop into his sling bag. 

Todoroki looks up from his drink and nods. "I'll see you next week, I presume?"  

He was surprised. Next week, didn't they already finish everything? ...But it still is a chance to see him face to face again, if things go well, he can see him again and again, maybe they can even meet somewhere else and do things normal friends do. 

He nods his head as he smiles. 

"I'll be paying for our coffee next time," he heard him mumble. 

"Fine by me," Midoriya says while chuckling, and he walks out of the cafe feeling like he's on cloud nine once more. 


I have severely underestimated how fast I can write a chapter.

Anyways, this was meant to be a short story, so I'll end it here! I hope you all enjoyed this and I'll certainly be working on other stories while I uh

I'll start by finishing my homework- anyways, bye bye :D

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