Sunflower, in the Jungle, Molesting a Blind Dragon

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Sunflower was shocked, for about a second. Then she realized. The dragon across from them, the one nervously backing away, was blind. She smiled. "Tamarin," she muttered, striding forwards.
The blind dragon recoiled, her scales showing fear. That fear was magnified when something was shoved into their mouth. Sunflower watched with a smirk as Tamarin slowly lapped at the bone in her mouth, trying to figure out what it could be. As she realized that it was a bone, still covered in spit and blood, she tried to scream and spit it out. This was stopped by Sunflower.

"You know what's in your mouth, don't you Tammy? You realize what I can do to you, correct?" Tamarin quivered as a claw traced down her back, ending up at the base of her tail, promting a squeak from the blind dragon, and a needy growl from Tamarin.

"You know what? I'm done with talking for now. We'll talk after." Tamarin was about to question, ask them to stop, scream, when Sunflower shoved their tounge into Tamarin's pussy, lapping away happily. She let out a squeaky moan, stumbling forwards, but finding that Sunflower walked with her, walking her forwards into a tree.

Sunflower was enjoying herself, tounge exploring Tamarin's pussy, lapping up any of her sweet nectar it could find, as her own claws teased her own, already dripping to the leafy floor.

Tamarin found herself rearing up onto her hind legs, front legs wrapped around the tree. As she gasped and squealed, she thought as to why she had done so. Maybe she was trying to escape, or get away from that tounge. That wonderful tounge. It... wasn't so Sunflower's tounge, her twisting, probing tounge could penetrate deeper. No, she thought, as her tail wound around Sunflower's horns, pushing her snout further in. No, she thought, as she moaned and whimpered for Sunflower...

And then she gave in, practically humping back into Sunflower's snout. Tamarin managed a few shakey thrusts backwards, before she came. The bone dropped from her mouth, as she squealed, Sunflower eagerly lapping up her juices, before collapsing herself as her own talons pushed her to orgasm. They both ended up collapsed on the ground, asleep.

Sunflower awoke first, finding herself sticky, smelly, and curled around Tamarin. She rose to her feet, ready to make her way back to the village. Maybe a quick bath first though. However, she found herself looking back at the sleeping Tamarin.

Sunflower shrugged the still sleeping Rainwing into Sunflower's hammock, grunting. With that, she fell asleep as well, curled around her new... whatever she was.

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