Chapter 61

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I hurried down the hallway, as fast as I could. I knew I needed to be at least thirty minutes early, if I needed to catch up with my mother, the moment she closed from the hospital. The hospital was big enough to see her without getting caught, but there was one little problem, I couldn't find my phone.

I could have sworn I left the mansion with it that morning, and I took it to class. The question was, I didn't know exactly where I had dropped it. My day hadn't gone exactly as I had hoped it would. I might have forgotten it in one of the two places I had been to, since I saw it last. It either had to be the music room, or the swimming pool. I had checked the music hall a bit earlier, and it was no where, the swimming area had to be the next place, and if it wasn't there, I knew I was just going to accept the fact that I had misplaced it, and get another one eventually, especially since it didn't have any password lock. I opened the door quickly, and walked in.

I had twenty five minutes left. I hurried up the stairs. The diving area happened to be my favorite part of the abandoned swimming pool. It was where I always sat when I was there, because it let me see everywhere else, especially the water, but skip all of that. I was having a real hard time finding my phone. It wasn't there. I exhaled, and rubbed my forehead.

Where was it?

I hurried down the stairs as fast as I could. I barely had more than fifteen minutes left now, and that was when I heard it. It felt like I wasn't alone, like there was someone else there, crying. I froze a bit. It was faint. More like whoever it was, was being suffocated. I slowly turned, taking a quick scan around the pool, wondering where the voice was coming from. The glass door leading to the changing room was a bit open. That was weird. It was never open. Was that where the voice was coming from?

Don't get involved, Jer.

The tiny voice in my head told me, even as I took hesitant steps towards the door, to see who it was, the fact that I was running out of time, escaping from my mind. The voice became even clearer, as I walked into the room on my guard, taking one step at a time towards the direction of the distressed voice. I couldn't shake off the feeling that whoever it was that owned it, was in some sort of trouble. I looked towards the sink area, narrowing my gaze to the figure on the floor, with a black coat and broad shoulders. What was going on?

I walked even closer towards them, just as the voice got really close. It was only that minute that I knew what was wrong, only that minute I could recognize who had the voice, and then I saw what was going on, what the boys in masks were trying to do to Kora.

It looked like the one on the ground was struggling so hard to take off her skirt, while Kora kept trying and struggling to stop him, even when the rest were pinning her down. I had no time to think about anything else. I didn't want to think about anything else. I ran into the scene as fast as I could, it looked like the rest saw me before the first one did. Too bad for him, I kicked him as fast and as hard as I could, without giving him a chance to make a run for it, watching to make sure my kick flung him far away from Kora, giving the rest an opportunity to let her go, and try to defend themselves.

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