Evil Takes Over

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Jake's POV

It was a normal day for me, Izzy, and Cubby. Well, at least that what I thought. I ended up lost and all of a sudden, I stumbled into Captain Hook and Mr. Smee. He had a more evil look on his face than usual. Like he wanted to kill me, yeah right.

"Hello Popinjay." Hook says, with a evil smile. He usually calls me a Popinjay, since my name begins with a 'J', so it makes perfect sense why he would call me that.

"Erm, Hook what are you doing? And have you seen Izzy, Cubby, or Skully?" I asked him. He had something behind his back, as his hook and hand was behind his back.

"This might be the last time that your crew might see your normal-self." I was confused by what he said. Until, he brought out a needle. I'am a bit frightened of needles. But not as frightened as Cubby is of needles. He brought it to my arm, and pressed the needle into my arm. I screamed in pain, and closed my eyes, tight. Oh crew, where are you? I really need you right now. He took the needle at my arm. I felt my conscious lifting off of me. Even though, I did struggle but it was too late. I lost my conscious, as my eyes closed. That really hurt...

Izzy's POV

"So, the treasure should be here..." Cubby began but he had a pause in his voice. I was a bit confused as he was looking over my shoulder.

"Cubby, is everything alright?" I asked him. He shook his head, nervously. He shakingly pointed behind me. I turned around. And noticed Jake wasn't behind me! Oh no, where could've he gone? I hope he's not hurt.

"Where's Jake?" Cubby asked me, with a frightened tone. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"I don't know, where he is but we need to find him. We can't live without him." I exclaimed to Cubby. We began to go and search for Jake. Cubby, annoyingly had his hands on my waist, and did not want to let go. Uhh!! Why can't he get off me??

"Cubby, this will be less annoying if..." I began but all of a sudden, I heard a scream of pain. I can reconigse that scream anywhere. Jake. Uh oh, I began to run, to follow his voice. With Cubby and Skully hot on my trail. I'll have to save him before it's too late. I mean we have too...oh just ignore me. When I got to Jake. I screamed when I found him. He was unconscious.

"Izzy! What's wrong?!" Cubby asked me, worried. I pointed to over Jake. I ran over to him, and checked for a pulse. Phew, he still has one.

"Oh coconuts! What happened to him??" Cubby exclaimed, as he was gripping onto his blue banadana, scared.

"I-I-I-I don't know! Wait..." I exclaimed at first but then I noticed something on Jake's arm. It was like a little clot of blood but in a really tiny hole used by a needle...oh no, who did this to him?

"What is it?" Skully piped up, finally. While flapping his wings in worry.

"A small clot of blood on his arm. Like a needle went through his arm." I suggested. They also noticed it too. They rushed over to where me and Jake was. I was shaking him awake. Cubby was tapping on his arm to wake him up, while Skully was using his beak to peck him awake. I suddenly started to feel Jake move under my arms. He was startled to find us all surrounding him.

"Jake! Are you alright?" Cubby asked him. I lifted my hands off him.

"I'm fine...what were you guys trying to do to me?" He asked us, in a mysterious tone.

"We were trying to wake you up. You were unconscious before." Cubby exclaims to him. I looked at Jake, with a worry expression on my face. Is that the same Jake I know?

"Well why couldn't you guys wait for me to wake up?? Instead of you guys surrounding me." He exclaims, a bit harsh. This is not the Jake, I know.

"Jake...what's gotten up to you?" Cubby asked him. But only to be slapped in the face by him. He held his cheek in pain. All of a sudden, Jake shaked himself.

"What happened? Erm, Cubby are you okay?" Jake asked us. Cubby slowly had tears coming down his face. He began to back up, away from Jake.

"Don't touch me! Stay away from me!" Cubby screamed as he began to ran away. He was also crying too.

"What just happened?? Why isn't Cubby allowing me next to him?" Jake asked me. I looked him straight in the eye.

"Coz Jake. We found you unconscious, and we woke you up. And you freaked out on us. Cubby asked you, what's gotten up to you. And you slapped him across the face. That's why." I exclaimed to him. He backed up, startled. I ran to go and find Cubby. With Skully following me. And also Jake chasing me.

"Wait come back here, Izz! Something's happened to me, that made me do that!" He exclaims, and I stopped in my tracks. I motioned for Skully to go and find Cubby, he nodded and went off to go and find Cubby. I turned around to Jake.

"Wait what do you mean, that something made you do that?" I asked him. He nodded.

"I was lost but then I bumped into Hook and Smee. The captain pressed a needle into my arm. And that's when I lost my conscious. And it made me...oh god, I have to go and apologise to Cubby!" He exclaims. No wonder I found a small clot of blood in his arm. Skully found Cubby. He quickly hid behind me, away from Jake. I tried to pull Cubby out from behind me but he wouldn't budge.

"Cubby. Jake's back to normal. Well at least for now. He wants to apologise for slapping you in the face." I softley say to Cubby, as I put my hand on his shoulder. He came little out from behind me.

"Really Jake?" He asked him.

"Yeah, somehow my actions got out of control. I'm sorry." Jake says to Cubby. He brought him into a hug. I stood there, happy. At least, everything's back to normal, at least for now. 

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