Strangers [Liam Payne] On Hold

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A/N: Before I begin this short story I just wanted to give you a few heads up. First of all this is fiction meaning that what I wrote came purely from my imagination. Second this story means a lot to me. I share the same condition with the protagonist in the story but mine isn’t as severe as hers. And third I wanted to write something that was different and inspiring and I feel like this is. So please enjoy the story and feedback is always appreciated whether good or bad.

  P.S A shout out to Sky for making the cover! Thank you babe :DD

 “Strangers are just family you have yet to come to know.” – Mitch Albom


Chapter One: Lithium

  Perspiration coated the surface of her hands making it difficult for her to rub them together. Heart zooming like a horse’s hooves on a race track Coralie squirmed awkwardly in her chair her eyes directed downwards. In front of her was the therapist writing notes in her journal and every once in a while giving Coralie a sideway glance. Coralie’s throat tightened a bright blush the size of the ocean appearing on her face.  

Her leg jiggled uncontrollably. It was one of the many signs that indicated she was apprehensive. The therapist Genna or Jennifer (Coralie was unsure of her name) finished her note taking and stared at Coralie expectantly. Out of her peripheral vision Coralie saw her stare but wouldn’t dare look at her.

  Instead she gnawed her lip drawing blood. It dripped down her chin and then to her sweaty palms in her lap. Coralie made no movement to wipe it away. She shifted in her seat again trying to get comfortable but that was impossible. She would never be comfortable especially with the therapist staring head on at her.

   She wanted to flee to run as far as her two legs would allow. But every time she tried to move her legs wouldn’t.  She felt like she was under a microscope in a science laboratory with scientists inspecting her thoroughly.  

  “Coralie” spoke the therapist in a gentle and tender voice.

  However, Coralie wasn’t fooled and still didn’t let her guard down. She didn’t trust the therapist. Hell she didn’t trust anybody but herself.

“Coralie, your nervous aren’t you?” It wasn’t a question it was a fact.

   Heart increasing its speedy beat Coralie took a risk and looked at the therapist. Her eyes were remained on her causing her face to flush an unattractive shade of red. Her feeling of exposure skyrocketed to a level it hasn’t been in a long time. She whimpered.

“Coralie…” The therapist voice was concerned as it should have. Before her the young girl was quivering tremendously as an earthquake. Unusual noises were escaping her mouth sending a sharp chill down the therapist’s spine. She didn’t know what to do.

   In all her years of working she had never had this occurred before.

 “Um…Coralie” her tone squeaked to a low whisper.

   Coralie continued to quiver and make disturbing sounds. The therapist then frowned knowing exactly what was happening. She was having a panic spasm it was triggered by her presence and Coralie’s fear of being around people. She had anthrophobia it was the very reason why she was here. To be cured.

 “I’m sorry” came the therapist’s weak voice and she got up, grabbed the sides of her chair and pulled it back so it was positioned far from Coralie’s. As expected Coralie stopped her spasm and returned to slightly normal with her cheeks hugging a deep blush.

Strangers [Liam Payne]Where stories live. Discover now