Chapter 15

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Ross Pov

today i will tell april about my feeling toward her now that i know her mate rejected her so it now or never,i went to look for her in her room she not there so went to the kitchen she not there too where in hell is that girl seriously i look for her around the pack house and i still can't find but i find one of her pack mate i don't remember his name but i went up to him in his room 

"Hi " i say to him he was to busy doing something that he did hear me come in he hurry jump off his bed ready to fight but he come to realized it was no threat he relax 

"Oh hi what are you doing in my room. he say

"Um-um{clear throat}i came here if you know where april is.?"i say to him

"Oh that right um she went for a run in the woods,why do you ask?.say to me

"Um well i want to talk to her about something but could you tell her i want to talk to her when she come from her running!.say to him 

"Um sure thing!".he say 

"Thanks man..oh by the way what is your name i never catch it before."say to him.

"Nick?.!"he say

"Um ross by the way if you don't know thanks again man."say to him

"Yeah i know when april ask you no problem,i will tell her when she from her run"!.say i about to leave the room he stop to tell me that to tell louis she want to him and the rest of us. 

"Oh by the way tell your Alpha april want talk to him and the pack member about something."say nick 

"Okay sure thing..when do she want us to meet her."say to nick

"When she come from her but i will tell you guys it's something your alpha wont like what she about to say to everyone i'm tell you this because we both know april and  your alpha are mate i want you to stop him when things about turn bad it's the only way for her to save everyone for what is come so don't tell anyone what i told you just stop him at any cost for do the part..say nick.

"What coming?,what april going to do."? say to nick.

"Sorry i say too much already you know soon..just tell your alpha she want to him and everyone.say nick

"Okay.say to nick didn't push.wonder what april going to do,what does he mean by it's the only to save everyone..i'm going to ask april about it later when i see i went to the office to find louis i knock on the door.i hear he say come in.

"Sorry to bother you Alpha Louis but i just to let know that nick say that april want to talk you and everyone about thing.say to him.

"Okay i be waiting for her thank you.he say.i walk away went to my room need to get ready and to see what this meeting about that april want to talk to everyone.

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