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"thank you so much for coming over, jongin," mrs. oh said as she picked up the teenager's plate, "it was lovely having you."

"ah, well, it was lovely being here," jongin responded politely. he had let go of sehun's hand a little while ago, instead placing his hand on sehun's knee. he quickly removed it, though, not wanting mrs. oh to see him doing so. she would get suspicious.

"you're too kind," mrs. oh smiled, "krystal, jennie, why don't you walk jongin to his motorbike?"

"actually, ma'am, i'd prefer it if sehun did so," jongin said, "after all, we need to discuss when we can next work on the project."

"oh, of course," mr. oh nodded, just as oblivious as his wife.

"right," sehun mumbled, getting up from his seat, "i'll be right back then."

sehun followed jongin outside of his house, immediately breaking out in a grin.

"thanks, hyung," sehun said. jongin rose an eyebrow.

"for what?" jongin asked.

"for getting along well with them. i know you don't like them," sehun said, "i really appreciate your effort."

"mm, well, if i want to be able to be around you i have to be on their good side."

"why would you want to be around me?" sehun laughed. jongin rose an eyebrow.

"i have an interest in you," jongin replied. sehun blushed.


"i wasn't lying when i said i wanted to see how sinful the little church boy could get, was i?" jongin asked. sehun fiddled with his fingers.

"right, yeah," sehun said as jongin mounted his motorcycle, "put your helmet on, stay safe."

"aw, you're worried? how cute," jongin laughed, glancing back at sehun's house, "i'd kiss you goodbye but your sisters are watching through the window."

sehun glanced back at the house, noticing that his sisters were in fact watching behind the curtains. he sighed.

"they like you, you know. which one will you date?" sehun asked. jongin rose an eyebrow.

"what makes you think i'd date either?" jongin asked.

"they're the prettiest in town."

"that's not true," jongin said, glancing back to sehun's triplets, "i'd say you're much prettier."

sehun blushed, lightly hitting jongin's arm.

"y-yah, i'm a boy, why can't you say i'm handsome?" sehun huffed. jongin laughed slightly.

"because you're so pretty, sehunnie," jongin grinned at the younger, "so pretty that you should be a professional model. i would know, i'm handsome so i can recognize pretty faces easily."

"you're so full of yourself," sehun scoffed. jongin winked at him.

"yeah, well, give it a bit and you'll be full of me too."

sehun went red, stuttering out little curses to the elder.

"just go home," sehun whined. jongin laughed, looking back to the window. jungkook was pulling his sisters away from the window.

"come over again tomorrow," jongin told sehun, pulling him closer by his waist, "your sisters are gone, by the way."

"o-oh, are they?" sehun stuttered, noticing how close jongin was to him. their lips were practically already touching.

"mhmm," jongin said, "oh, and sehun?"

"hmm?" sehun asked, disinterested as his gaze fell heavy on jongin's mouth.

"do me a favor and say hello to the little boyfriend for me," jongin smirked, then kissing sehun until the younger was completely breathless.

"later, doll," jongin told sehun, the younger instantly getting butterflies in his stomach from the nickname.

"b-bye, jongin," sehun said back happily. the elder smirked at him one last time before putting his helmet on and riding away. sehun stood there at the driveway for a second before breaking into a grin, finger brushing against his own lip. but then it hit him.

johnny wouldn't like that at all.

and for some reason, sehun couldn't find it in himself to care all that much.

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