The mystery

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She walks with beauty and compassion
Head held high as her heels click aross the floor
As the shadows dare her to open the old rusted door
Beging to be let out but of what is locked inside she does not know
The mystery that is behind egs her on as if the desire of knowlage burns deep
Maybe its a hoax maybe theres is no beauty with in this women at all
Maybe the beauty we truly desire is of lust as of her desire for knowlage behide this door
Imagin a mirror you have you and then your reflection
You are beautiful with pale pink lips and dark brown hair
Your reflection is beautifully flawed with its cracked lips and tangled brown hair
We see what wanna see so maybe the beautiful is the flawed and the flawed is the beautiful but we will never Know just like she will never know whats behind the door as she slowly walks away never glancing back

Beacause of what she does understand
She searches for knowlage
But if she finds all knowlage
Theres will be nothing to know at all
So as they say somethings are better left a mystery.

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