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dragon boy
pansy says hello

dragon boy
pansy says i talk about you too much

dragon boy
i miss u

dragon boy
harry are you okay?

dragon boy
i still miss u

harry potter
jesus draco i was adopting a cat !

dragon boy
what's the cats name:)

harry potter
i named him reid

dragon boy
he's cute

dragon boy
like you

harry potter
so you talk about me a lot

dragon boy
i guess so...according to pansy

harry potter
how is pansy

dragon boy
she's really sweet
she's been keeping me company, keeping my mind busy

dragon boy
i thought there would more time to interact with my family but since i came out none of them are too thrilled to chat with me

harry potter
i'm sorry :( that's horrible

dragon boy
did you tell your parents about the whole they/them...?

harry potter
and then they made my uncle sirius come over and tell them all about lgbtq stuff and explain more to them
and then they were like oh okay cool

dragon boy
they sound wonderful

harry potter
yeah, they are
i'm sorry that your family sucks ass

dragon boy
me too
i'll be home soon tho

dragon boy
i gtg, pansy's here

read. 11:15am.

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