Fly High

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This is a story about the main 5 teams, all symbolised. It does not follow the story line of Haikyuu.

Once two birds flew high over the lands; the white eagle and the black crow. Every day they flew higher and higher, side by side like allies would.

"You aren't flying high anymore, crow." The eagle observed as the crow struggled to keep up with the eagle.

"I am flying high, eagle." The crow responded, refusing to believe it was not as great as the eagle.

But the days went by, and each day the crow became slower and slower, whilst the eagle became faster and faster. One particular morning, the crow's feathers on it's wings began falling out. After a few days of feather losing and slower flying, the white eagle took advantage of the crow, forcing the crow out of the sky and onto the land, as the white eagle soared victoriously over the lands.


So the crow, now flightless due to loss of wings feathers, sought out shelter in the forest. In the forest, the crow managed to fight off many smaller creatures, earning it's place in the forest. There, the crow met a new foe, the green leaves.

"Who dares to enter my territory and challenge my rule over it?" The leaves questioned, shaking the feather-less wings of the crow and observing the crow very carefully.

"I am a flightless crow, who does not challenge your rule and only seeks shelter from the white eagle." The crow replied, standing it's ground.

Upon hearing of the white eagle, the green leaves seethed with anger, for they too were the rivals of the white eagle. For years the white eagle had always swooped down at the forest and reminded the green leaves that they did not have wings, therefore they couldn't fly as high as the eagle. The green leaves hated hearing of the white eagle, and got mad at the crow.

So the leaves met the crow with a fight. But the crow's beak was not sharp enough against the vines of the forest of green leaves, so the poor black crow was forced out of the forest, and abandoned to the wrath of the dumps of the city.


The flightless crow discovered it's liking for the city bins and dumps, for it could safely hunt out food, bigger prey than the forest had provided. But the crow knew it could not stay forever, for it was devastated by losing to the green leaves and the white eagle. One afternoon, the crow stumbled across new dump territory. But this territory was home to the cat.

"What do you want, earth-bound featherless crow?" The cat asked, almost in a taunt but not nastily, circling the smaller creature in curiosity.

"I am here to fly, fly higher than you." The crow argued fiercely, refusing to give up yet another territory.

But the crow's talons were not strong enough against the cat's claws, and the crow was forced back to it's own small little dumpster. This defeat was not the end, and both the cat and the crow knew that. The crow came back, day upon day, but still lost every single time. On this particular day, the crow was determined to finally fly higher than the cat and it's claws. So the crow approached the cat's territory, talons spread and beak ready.

"Your feathers are growing back, crow." The cat told the crow, not without the friendliness of their rivalry.

"Yes, they are cat. I shall fly higher than you this time." The crow claimed in determination.

So the cat and crow met in battle once more. This time, the crow spread it's semi-feathered wings and beat them like it had all those days ago with the white eagle. It could've been a miracle, or it could've been determination's rewards, but the flightless crow flew. There it finally flew higher than the cat. But the crow still wasn't strong enough to take on the white eagle, so it flew on towards a different challenge. Towards the forest.

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