Chapter 4 - The Plan

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You woke to the sound of a door closing. You opened your eyes and saw you were in a room. you sat up fast, knowing this wasn't your room.

"Hello?" You called out. You got no answer. You moved your tail and played with it in fear.

"H-Hello?" You called out again. No answer again. You took that time to look around the room. It was small and simple. One bed, one dresser, one candle, one door. That's it. You jumped when you heard the door unlock and open. Your eyes went wide.

"R-Ratigan." You whispered as he placed something on the ground. Every mouse knew of him. you then grew angry.

"You tried to kill my Aunty you bastard!" You screamed. Ratigan moved and closed the door, looking at you.

"My, My. Not very becoming language for a soon to be queen." Ratigan said. You glared at him.

"Yes, well. Let me get straight to the point. You see, I couldn't take the crown by force so I must take it in another way." He says and smile at you. That smiled made your blood run cold.

"By marrying you." He says. You gasped.

"What! Hell no! I will not marry you and you can't make me!" You screamed. He walked up to you and you backed up till your back flat on the wall.

"Oh, you have no choice my dear wife-to-be. You see. No one knows I'm alive and by the time I am found, you and I will be married." He says. You couldn't help but shake.

"H-How? I-If your a-assumed dead, how can you get married?" You asked. His smile widened.

"Just wait and see my dear." He says and pats your head, backing up and walking over to the gound and picked up what he had placed on the ground and placed it on the dresser. It was a few cups of water and some cheese.

"Eat and drink. I need you at your best health." Ratigan says as he opens the door.

"And if you don't, I will make you!" He screams, slamming the door and locking it. Your tears started to fall and you let out sods.

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