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28 December 2020.

As she was seated at her desk in her office at CatCo, Kara stared at her phone screen since she didn't know how long. She wasn't reading a text, nor she was waiting for a call. She was staring at a photo of her best friend. Her best friend who had spent over a year hating her. Kara didn't blame her though, she had hated herself too, and would have given everything she had to turn back time and do everything with Lena differently.

Kara squeezed her eyes shut when she remembered the events of these last months, still feeling how much it had hurt her to think that she had screwed up forever everything she had with her best friend. Her best friend from whom she started realizing that she might be in love with. Her heart sped up at this thought and she opened her eyes to look down at her phone screen where a photo of Lena was displayed.

A smile spread across her face at the sight of Lena smiling at her. The photo had been taken far before the brunette found out that Kara Danvers and Supergirl were one and the same. Subtle tears brimmed into Kara's eyes when she realized that if she'd take a photo of her best friend right now, she wouldn't get that kind of smile, neither she would find sparkling emerald green eyes starting back at her. Lena might have forgiven her a few weeks ago, but Kara knew that it couldn't be that easy, that their friendship couldn't be like it used to be. Everything would be forever different.

Kara felt the lump in her throat coming back as she recalled the emotional conversation that she'd had with Lena a few weeks ago. For the first time since she'd found out the truth about her, Lena had accepted to let Kara explain herself. There had been a lot of tears, not only from her, but from Lena as well. They had hugged for the first time in over a year, and at that moment, it was happy tears that had run down on Kara's cheeks as she had held Lena tightly against her as though she was afraid that if she'd let go of the embrace, Lena would disappear forever from her life. Kara couldn't bear the thought.

Warmth had washed over her when Lena had pronounced into the crook of her neck the words that Kara had been longing to hear from her best friend. "I forgive you." Lena had whispered between her sobs. Kara had shed tears of relief as she'd nuzzled deeper into their needed and long awaited hug.

Hugging Lena Luthor after all these times apart had felt like coming back home for Kara Danvers.

Kara shook slightly her head and blinked to chase her tears away. Remembering these last months and thinking that she could have spent the rest of her life without Lena by her side hurt like hell, even more than Kryptonite ever could.

She spun her head to look at the windows and realized that it was already dark outside. Meaning that she had spent a few hours lost in her thoughts. She browsed quickly the place. She was the only one who was still at work. -Besides Andrea Rojas-. Kara wondered if her boss ever left this building. Which made her understand why she and Lena had been friends for years, the two of them definitely shared the same workaholic tendency. At least she was grateful that Andrea had had a change of heart too when it came to the kind of media she wanted CatCo to be. They were now able to do real journalism, and Kara felt relieved that outside of her job as Supergirl, she could do something that truly mattered.

Kara's phone chimed on her desk. She looked down to see that Nia called her, she smiled and picked up.

"Do you need help to rescue the city?" Kara asked, slightly furrowing her brow as she turned again her head to look at the windows that gave her one of the most perfect views of National City. "I haven't heard anything suspicious."

"There's nothing going on actually, which is surprising." Nia replied."But that's great cuz Brainy and I are about to have a romantic diner." she said with a smile in her voice that Kara's super hearing picked up perfectly.

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