Fresh start, hope and happiness

102 7 1

31 December 2020

Kara checked her watch for the ten thousand times of the night, she was sure of that. It was 11pm, everyone who had been invited to the party at the Alien bar organized by Nia was already there. Everyone, except the person Kara truly wanted to spend time with.

She sighed and looked down, smoothing with her fingers wrinkles that weren't even there on her emerald green dress.

"You okay?" She heard Alex's voice behind her.

Kara spun around to face her sister. "Lena's not here," was the only thing that she was able to say. She couldn't stop the sigh that escaped her mouth at the end of her sentence.

"The night's still young. Give her some time."

"It's 11pm." Kara scowled, her brow furrowing slightly. "Who comes to a party at this hour?"

"How did your lunch with her go?"

We hugged two times, we held hands, I kissed her cheek, realized how much I'm in love with her, and I'm screwed, Kara thought. "Um... that went well." she said instead.

"Has she forgiven you completely?"

"I think so. I mean, she hasn't told or done anything to make me think otherwise. It's herself that she has to forgive now."

"We all have done things we regret." Alex said.

"Do you think she's gonna come?"

"I don't have foresight powers unfortunately." Alex chuckled.

"Golly, I wish I had foresight powers." Kara said with serious, thinking about how much her life would be easier with such powers. She would have been able to prevent the mess of the previous years to happen. She also would be able to see if Lena felt the same way about her, and maybe, just maybe, she would feel brave enough to tell her she loved her in a very non-platonic way.

"Nice dress by the way." Alex spoke, taking her sister out of her thoughts.

Kara beamed. "I picked it for Lena. I wanted to wear something that matches her eyes color."

Alex frowned, "Kara, are you drunk?"

"I wish I could've been. Maybe that would make me feel brave enough to tell Lena how I feel."

Alex shook her head negatively, "I don't think it would turn out great."

Kara furrowed her brow, "Do you have a better idea?"

"Just tell her how you feel." Alex said.

"I can't do that! I'm so scared of losing her... again." Kara replied, the fear audible in her voice. "Our friendship has barely gotten back on track. I'm afraid to say something that could jeopardize that. But at the same time, I don't wanna keep another secret from her since secrets are the thing that had put all of us in danger in the first place."

"Seems that you don't have many choices."

"I have the choice between messing our friendship again by keeping a secret, or telling her that I'm in love with her and risking being rejected... and losing her."

"Or you could tell her and find out she feels the same way."

"I'm usually not that lucky when it comes to love." Kara sighed.

"Maybe that's because you weren't trying with the right person."

"Wow, Kelly's changed you a lot."

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