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My name's Illyanna, and I am 16 years old... I go to Eastwood High with a whole bunch of people... and i used to have a bestfriend, and his name is Cameron Dallas, oh gosh do I miss him so much! ..I wish he stayed here though... They all bully me at school... They blame it on me! but I did nothing! like, what did i ever do so wrong?! i sometimes think... well, maybe it is my fault Cam left.. he left me here for them to bully me until i die! But, then i think... He would NEVER do such a thing as that, we are close like siblings! some people actually believed we were related... WE grew up with eachother! ..i had no idea what to do without him! i'm BROKEN, you see? I was always broken.. so broken that, i started cutting again.. and throwing up my food every night and everyday! I was that bad, too deep in my own little world, but i didn't stop! I DIDN'T DO THIS FOR ATTENTION! no... i did it. because i was so tired of life... Tired of Living, Tired of Breathing, TIRED OF STAYING ALIVE! ... I was SO done with the world! ... I WAS BROKEN! stupid Nash and stupid Carter, stupid Shawn! .. why do they bully me? ... Oh yeah.. Right, because apparently, I was the one who made Cameron leave! but... i wasn't, he told me himself that he wanted to go to L.A, California to be a model or whatever! He does Vines, and he's a Youtuber.... i always watch his videos every second i get to watch them... it reminds me that i'm not alone! And my parents obviously don't care about me... They taunt me, and abuse me! Like, *sigh* WHAT KIND OF PARENTS ARE THEY?!? Why wo- Oooh phone call! *note the sarcasm* "Hello?" i said not knowing who it was "Anna!" That voice sounds familiar... "CAM!!!" i said while sniffing lightly not realizing i was crying before i picked up the phone, instantly, he said "what's wrong?" concern lacing his voice.. I do not need him to care about me right now, " it's nothing cam, just problems- err, i mean.. with school you know?" i said to him, while trying to avoid conversation about my bullies... they're his best friends so i can't really tell him.. what else do i do? ... I mean, i can't deal with this for any longer! ugh, life is so complicated. "oh..." i guess that's not what he wanted to hear, but i mean, i guess i know how he feels.. like, i know that we're drifting apart since his move.. but, i just wish we didn't... "how is Nash and all the rest of them?" he asked me but then i just bursted with anger lacing my voice "I DON'T KNOW CAM! I'M NOT FRIENDS WITH THEM ANYMORE!" i said to him while tears were about to fall out of my eyes luckily, my door was locked.. "why aren't you friends with them anymore Illy?" he said to me slowly just in case i didn't burst "because Cam... They bully me... they bully ME, they say it's my fault you left.. and i kind of believe them now... Cam? did you know that they physically hurt me too? did you know that my parents already abuse me at home? Cam. did you know that?" i was uncontrollably crying now.. "why?" he sounded hurt "why didn't you tell me? ILLY! why the fuck didn't you tell me! i could've stayed there with you! i could've let you come live with me!" he was mad at me.. and that just made me cry even more.... "Illy... why? why didn't you tell me?" he said with still hurt in his voice "because... Cam, you wouldn't understand how much pain i'm going through..." I said while crying still "Yes I Would! If Only YOU told me!!" he said while yelling and then i just burst and told him EVERYTHING! "YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND CAMERON! YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH DAMN PAIN I'M GOING THROUGH GODDAMN IT CAMERON! I CUT MYSELF AND I THROW UP EVERYDAY! I'M A WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT! AND WHAT NASH AND ALL OF THEM SAY ABOUT ME IS TRUE! CAMERON! I THROW UP MY FOOD BECAUSE I'M SO DARN FAT! I SHOULD JUST GO DIE IN A HOLE! AND NEVER COME BACK! cameron... i'm moving so you, or the boys can't find me.. i'm packing now.. don't bother coming to find me... And i'll be doing a makeover too so it would even be harder to find me.. I'm sorry Cam, i didn't mean for you to find out this way.. I'm so sorry..." and I hung up., before he could say anything else.. and then i started packing.. i went to get money from my piggy bank.. i had over 1 thousand dollars because i worked and babysat kids and my parents gave me money sometimes.. and i had my grandparents money from when they passed so basically i had over 2 thousand.. My parents don't know that i'm moving... so, i'm gonna write them a letter, this is what it says, Dear, so called parents... I'm leaving.. i know i'm only 16, but i have my license already and a car.. so i'm moving now.. i have to leave before anything gets worse.. i'll tell you this though.. Even though you guys abuse me and taunt me, I still love you.. i mean, you're parents! and i trusted you with my life.. but now i don't trust you as much as i did.. I wish you could've changed, but it's not just your fault it is Nash, Carter, Shawn and the rest of the gang's fault too... I'm sorry, wait no... scratch that.. YOU are the ones that should be sorry! you abused me ever since I was five! I was five years old! How could you do that to me!? didn't you love me? or did you guys hate me? as much as i hate myself? i'm sorry, i'm not a perfect daughter! but you know? i get physically hit and i get bullied to at school.. so i don't really care anymore... I'm sorry.. I'm just so so darn sorry! i just wish i didn't grow up like this, like really? 'A Runaway Girl' I blame this on everybody here! except those who were nice to me.. I love those ones, The ones that care, I'm sorry i'll be gone, and I'll maybe never come back! so, I guess this is Goodbye? ..."

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