Answers and Crushes?!

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(Ashley's POV)

"Ok, here are the results... Mr. Pottorff, yourself and Ashley... Are siblings, congratulations!" He said, smiling. We all cheered and I gave Sam a hug, "I'm glad to be with at least 1 member of my real family." I whispered to him, "I'm glad that I found you." Sam said, picking me up and spinning me, "SAM!!!" I screamed while laughing because he was spinning really fast, "Yes, child?" He asked, 'innocently', "Put me down, Samuel John pottorff!" I said, using his full name, "Oooh! She just full-named you! You are in troublllleeee!!!" Said Jacob, jokingly, "I'm in trouble, I'm an addict, I'm addicted to this boy, he's got my heart tied in a knot and my stomach in a whirl. But even worse, I can't stop calling him, I mean dang what's not to adore? I've been playing too much guitar, I've been listening to jazz, I called so many times, I swear he's going mad, and that cellular will be the death of us, I swear, I swear! And oh, O-oh, o-oh, o-ooh, Oh! I'm running my mouth, just like I got him, but I surely don't. Because he's so O-oh, o-oh, O-ooh, Rock 'n Roll and out of my league, is he out of my league? Let's hope not. I'm in trouble, I'm so cliché. See that word just wears me out, Makes me feel like just another girl to laugh and joke about. But even worse, I can't stop calling him, I love to hear that voice and honestly, I'm left with no choice. I've been playing too much guitar, I've been listening to jazz, I called so many times, I swear he's going mad, and that cellular will be the death of us, I swear, I swear! And Oh, o-oh, o-oh, O-ooh, oh! I'm running my mouth, just like I got him, but I surely don't! Because he's so O-oh, o-oh, O-ooh, Rock 'n Roll, and out of my league, is he out of my league? Let's hope not! And Oh, o-oh, o-oh, O- ooh, oh oh!" I sang trouble by NeverShoutNever Because it was the first thing that popped into my head when I heard the word 'trouble'. Everyone was looking at me looking stunned, "What? Did I miss a part? WHATCHU LOOKIN AT GUURRRLLL?!?! Mmhmm!" I asked the first part seriously and added a Brent rivera 'Mmhmm' at the end to add sass, "Speaking of mmhmm, where is Brent?" I asked to noone in particular, "I'm right here, MMHMM!!!" He said from the door way, I jumped in surprise 'cause I didn't expect him to be here, "When da heck did you get there, guuurrrll?! don't do that to me! MMHMM!!!" I asked, trying my hardest not to laugh, "I was here for the results, jus' creepin'..." he said creepily, "Congrats by the way!" He said, also hugging me, "Thanks." I said, smiling, "By the way, I brought starbucks! Here, I just got you a mocha cookie crumble 'cause I didn't know what you'd want." He said, handing me my starbucks, "THANK YOOOUUUU!!!!! I love the mocha cookie crumble! It's my favorite!"(A/N they are really good) I said, giving Brent a hug, "Well, who wants to see if I can get out of this dang hospital early?!" I question and received a chorus of "Me!"'s or "I do!"'s or the classic "YAAAAAS!!!", "Ok, I'll go ask the doctor!" I said, running out the door before anyone else, luckily I was wearing shorts under this gown! I finally saw my doctor and slowed down, "Hey, I was wondering, is there any way tat I could get out of here today?" I asked him with pleading eyes, when I looked at him, he had a look of shock on his face, what? "Why do you look so surprised, doc?" I asked him, "You've made a miraculous recovery very quickly, w-we will take a-a couple tests to make sure you are ok, is that fine with you?" The doctor asked, still flabbergasted, "Anything if it means getting out of here sooner!" I replied, "Come with me." He said, "Can I tell my friends and brother where I am real quick?" I asked as we were approaching my room, "Go ahead, but make it quick." The doctor said, "Thanks" I said, walking into the room, "Hey guys, the doctors wanna run a couple tests on me and then I can go, I'll be back soon!" I said, "Ok, can I come? I don't wanna be stuck here in a small room." Sam asked, "Yeah, sure, come on." I said going back into the hallway, "What are these tests gonna be for, doc?" I asked, "Just making sure your brain, heart and other vital organs are working properly, seeing how well you can do daily tasks, a blood test to make sure all the chemicals from the ibuprofen are out of your system, those kinds of things." He said, looking at his clip-board, "Ok." I said, clinging to Sam's arm, yeah, I'm kinda sorta afraid of needles... minor details... "You are? I thought you weren't, after all, you agreed almost immediately to do the blood test to see if we are siblings." Sam said, "Dang it, I said that out loud, didn't I? And the answer is yes, I hate needles, weird thing is, I love sewing though." I replied, "Right in here, please." The doctor said, going through a door and we followed him in and Sam closed the door. "Take a seat right there, please." The doctor said pointing to a seat, "Ok." I said and sat down, there was a seat next to me that Sam sat in. The doctor tied the rubber band thing around my arm and started disinfecting the area he would draw blood from and I grabbed Sam's hand, "This will only take a second." The doctor said while putting the needle in my arm, ok, that hurt! As soon as it went into my arm, I squeezed Sam's hand so hard that I probably broke it, "Ok, Ashley. I kinda need that hand! Hahaha!" Sam said while laughing, "Right, sorry! Hahaha!" I said, also laughing and loosened my grip. "Ok, is it just me, or has this been the longest "Second" ever?" I asked no one in particular, putting air quotes around 'Second', while looking at my arm to see the needle still there. "Oh, yes, I apologize, we also needed samples to make sure there is nothing else that could be dangerous for you later on." The doctor said, "Oh, ok." I replied, a couple seconds later, he took the needle out of my arm and put a band-aid over it, a teenage mutant ninja turtles one! YESSS!!! "Ok, I'm going to quickly take these to the lab and I will be right back!" He said, walking out the door. "Ok, now what?" I asked, "I don't know, we wait...?" Sam answered sounding more like he was asking a question, "By the way, props to you for dealing with needles every day since you were 5! How the heck do you do it?! Are you even human?!' I said, joking at the end, "Thank you." Sam said, "and I wonder the same thing sometimes, for both! Hahaha!" Sam answered, laughing. "After I get out of here, can we get taco bell?" I asked, "Sure, why not!" Sam answered, "YAAAAASSS!!! Not only do I meet IM5, find out we're siblings and get a TMNT band-aid, I also get taco bell!!! Yessss!!!" I said and Sam just laughed. We waited for a couple minutes and the doctor finally came back, "Ok, on to the next test, checking your vital organs. Ok, can you follow my finger without moving your head?" He asked, Then started moving his finger up and down and side to side, in front of my face for a couple seconds and stopped, "Ok, that's good, you don't have a concussion, do you remember your name?" He asked, "Yes." I replied, "What is your full name?" "Well, as I have recently learned, my last name is Pottorff, so my birth and full name is Ashley Marie Pottorff, but my adoptive name that my adoptive parents gave me is Maria Rosalina gandervalt, sooooo yeah..." I answered, "Age?" "12." "State you are in?" "Texas." "State you were born in?" "Texas." "Date of birth?" "March 22 2002." I answered, getting annoyed of all these questions that I know the answer to, "What's 9+10?" I had to try SOOO hard not to laugh and say 'twenehwan' and you could see that Sam was holding back a laugh, too. "19." "What is your mother's name?" "Biological mother's name is Melody(A/N I don't know what's Sam's Mom's name is, so just go with it!) Adoptive mother's name is Cathrine." "Father's name?" "Adoptive father, Miguel or Michael, biological father, Jim."(A/N again, don't know his actual name, making it up), "How many siblings do you have? Names? Ages?" "Adoptive siblings, Jeremiah is the oldest, he's 18, Christina is the 2nd oldest, she's 15, Brad is the 3rd oldest, he's 13, then me, then Dustin, the 3rd youngest, he's 10, then James, the 2nd youngest, he's 8, then there is little Elyzabeth(pronounced 'Elizabeth') she's the youngest, she's not born yet, but she's sill there." I said while smiling. Yes, my 'mom' is pregnant and I'm REALLY excited for Elyzabeth to come! I came up with the cool spelling of her name. B) sweg. Hahahahaha! I'm weird. "Ok, And last question, yet most important, do you remember why you attempted suicide?" The doctor asked. Ok, did he really just ask me that?! I just woke up from a FREAKIN COMA not even 3 hours ago! "Yes." I answered simply, "Well, why did you?" He asked, "You said that that was the last question." I answered sassily, "Please answer the question, Ms. Gandervalt." He said in monotone, "Seriously?! First of all, My last name is Pottorff, second of all, you said that that was the last question, and 3rd of all, I just woke up from my FREAKIN COMA that I wasn't even thought to have lived through, not even 3 hours ago and you ask me why I did what I did?! Did you ever think that maybe I was pushed over the edge?! Or maybe I was tired of all of my conditions?! Or maybe I'm bullied?! And maybe, Here's the best one, my own parents! My flesh and blood! Didn't want me and right after I was born, gave me up! There, put all of those together and you have your answer! Are ya happy now doctor?! Goodbye!" I said, No... screamed... And stormed out of the room.

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