history of them (part two) (9)

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(hello everyone I'm sorry that I keep disappearing a lot I just trying to get a better feel for this story. Don't get me wrong I love this book but I have no ideas so please wait for the updates to come )

We passed by a comic book store and karma just stop and looked in side I was confused at first until I heard him say " were very thing Started here " in an Angry whisper I already knew that its was not a good idea to ask but I'll ask anyway " Is everything thing ok karma " I put my hand on his shoulder " nagisa and I hang out here a long time ago..but that all changed when another girl we both like changed everything " he looked like he wanted to yell to hurt someone I couldn't blame him " but now you don't have to worry about that karma you have me to yourself " I smiled and put his hand on my cheek.

Karma smiled and said " yea your right I'll let him have the other girl " I smiled to what he said until nagisa texted me....multiple times but I ignored them. All 340 texts and 20 calls...but karma was ready to kill nagisa. I try to calm him down. " karma it's ok don't worry and beside your coming back to my house right " I said with a smile trying to reassure him. " of course~ we still have to continue what we were doing earlier" karma said pull me closer to him and pushing me onto a wall a little. I blushed bright red, I hate it but I love it when he does this but I still mostly hate it. The only thing is that he knows I love and hate it. 


[ I know I know this is short but I don't know what else to do ]

[ until next time ]

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