Miraculous Blooper 1

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      "Plagg, you are so selfish!"  Tikki says.

   "I am not," Plagg whines.

"Ugh, how does Ladybug and Chat Noir always defeat my akumas?"  Hawkmoth complains.

   "I am caught in a bubble, bubble and I know I am in trouble."  Person trapped by the Bubbler says.

    "Who ate all my donuts?" Alya asks.

"Uh, it was not me," Nino says as he holds the donut bag behind his back.

"Oh, yeah well there were a dozen there last night and now there are only two left," Alya retorts.

  "Do not look at me, do not talk to me, and do not get near me ever again,"  Kagami says to Chole.

  *Author's note:  Is that a bit extreme and harsh?

"Adrikins, I just love your shirt!" Chloe says.

"Ugh, that brat!  Why does she always lie?"  Marinette complains about Lila.

"Why does it matter if no one else notices her lies?  As long as you and I do that is all that matters," Adrien says.

   *Author's note: Is it just me or does Adrien sound a bit like a flirt here?

"Those, two are made for each other," Master Fu says.  *Me:  How can he possibly know this?  He says this when they just met.  *Season 1 origin episode 26  "Volpina."

"There is a 99% chance it might rain today!"  Max states.

"You just watch your back Marinette, you will see you will lose all your friends!"  Lila says. 

ME:  Oh, no you did not just threaten Marinette!  Let me at her!

"What?  This is not fair, I am supposed to be the weather girl."  Aurore whines.

 Me: That is so immature no wonder you lost the contest for the weather girl.

"Looking rather feline there, m'lady!" Chat says.

"Yes, he is here look!" Fangirls squeal

"What bad thing can happen as long as I have my Marinette lucky charm?" Adrien asks. 

Me: Is he talking about the bracelet, the girl or both?

"You are like a melodious melody of music in the wind..." Luka says.

Me: Did you just say she reminds you of when you pass gas?  Lol

"You any good at physics?"  Chloe asks.

Me: Chloe, do your homework!  It will help you be better at a good life and stuff.

"I might have destroyed the dinosaurs and ruined the tower of Pisa, but that is still not a reason to not trust me," Plagg says.

Me: You wipe out an entire breed of animals and reck a monument and wonder why people have trust issues with you? Seriously?

"Radiant, Carefree, Adrien the fragrance.  Uh, how does a perfume commercial help you pick out a swimsuit girl?" Alya asks.

Me:  Does not anyone appreciate Alya's sarcastic teasing comment?  I mean come on she does have a good point here.

"I Love Unicorns!"  Rose sings very loud into a microphone.

Me: Whoa, girl your gonna get a sore throat and ruin everyone's hearing?  Well, I guess it is okay because you a rock band and you Rock!

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