I am a 42-year-old married woman and mother to a 16 -year-old son. 

I have an adopted 18-year-old brother.

I graduated May 9, 2024, with an Associate in Arts degree!
Next, I plan to work towards a Bachelor of Arts with a Concentration in Creative Writing.

Favorite Colors: Pink, and Purple
Favorite Season: Summer
Favorite foods: Cheese, green peas, chicken (but I will eat almost anything. Nothing spicy or sour for me.)
Favorite pets: dog, parakeet
Favorite animals: owls, butterflies, dogs, parakeets, hamsters, and hermit crabs.

Allergies: Lactose (limited to milk, and ice cream), latex, dust, seasonal allergies, cats, and dust.

Health issues: Asperger's Syndrome (Also known as high-level autism), and a moderate-severe heart murmur (due to mitro valve prolapse, limited to the right side of the heart).

Dislikes: Math, centipedes, spiders, millipedes, snakes, guacamole, and asparagus.

Spiritual status: I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior at six years old. I am not perfect, but I am forgiven and saved by the one who is!

I do not support abortion because I believe it is morally, and ethically wrong.

Favorite scriptures: John 3:16, Romans 6:23, Joshua 1:9, II Timothy 2:7, and Timothy 3:16-17. Also the entire book of Psalms, and Isaiah Chapter 53.

Favorite poets: Robert Frost, and Henry Ladsworth Longfellow.

Favorite authors: Louisa May Alcott, Janette Oke, Kit Morgan, Carol Higgins Clark, and many others.

Favorite Songs: Amazing Grace by John Newton, Praise You In the Storm by Casting Crowns, God's Not Dead by The News Boys United, and All Songs by Mandisa, Natalie Grant, and Brandon Heath.

Fandoms: Rwby, Fairy Tail (Natsu, Lucy, Happy the Cat, etc.), Miraculous Ladybug, Miraculous x Fairy Tail Crossover.

Summer is my pseudonym here as I prefer not to use my real name.

I enjoy crocheting, regular scarves, potato chip scarves, washcloths, pot holders, bookmarks, small purses, baby blankets, and sunglass cases.
  • USA
  • Üye olduSeptember 4, 2018

Son Mesaj
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