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"i fucking hate storms" venus whispered under her breath while trying to navigate her way into the entrance of the grocery store. at times like this she's extremely glad she no longer wears glasses anymore because she knew she would have no way of seeing through the inevitable large raindrops that always seem to love falling right on her lenses.

she looked around and realizes there's quite a lot of people for monday evening. she tries to distract herself from the thoughts and get everything she came to get.

checking her list twice she made sure she had everything not wanting to have to come again.
"rice... check. water... check. pasta... check. chicken drums... check. ice cream... check. yogurt, yogurt, shit where's the yogurt?" she sighed heavily in anger. "i genuinely do not have time for this." she mumbled a few curse words before looking for someone that could help her as soon as possible.


runs to the grocery store during the evening especially on a monday has never been river's thing. he'd usually buy his weekly supply of groceries on saturday but it completely slipped his mind after he was getting his stuff ready to start the new semester which he now regrets for even thinking luca would buy groceries in his absence even though luca only realises when food enters the fridge and when there's none left.

he genuinely doesn't  know how luca managed to live a life without him because he still needs reminds him to leave the toilet seat down so he doesn't fall in at 3 a.m like he always does.

getting grocery is always a hassle for him because he has to run all around the store getting both ingredients for his homemade vegetarian meals (he never eats the same meal twice) and well prepackaged meals for luca cause well as luca'd say "if you can't cook it in under 10, why spend your money then?"

he stopped in the middle of the aisle in which he saw a petite framed girl. and my oh my was she beautiful. her smooth chocolate face had him wrapped around his finger. probably the prettiest girl river had ever laid his eyes on and he was sure that it was love at first sight.

he then realised he had been standing in an aisle that had nothing for him just to catch a glimpse of the slightly enraged girl who was reading her grocery list rather loudly but he didn't care. he actually find it quite cute.

lost in his own thoughts, he didn't realise that the girl approached him asking for a thing that he was not listening to.

"i-i'm sorry i-i wasn't l-listening." he said as he ran his fingers through his hair. it was a habit he'd been doing since he was a boy when he got nervous. her previously agitated face softened at the sight of the blue eyed boy.
"it's okay" she chuckled. "i said do you happen to know where the yogurt is? i'm kind of in a rush."

and this in-fact he did. yogurt was one of his favourite cheat vegetarian foods. he wanted to tell her but as soon as he opened his mouth, the words seemed to forget that they had to fall out and so he pointed. the petite girl grabbed his hand to put it down and said "you're just going to have to show me, i'm really bad at directions."

he didn't know why that slight physical contact cause his heart to flutter. he was not used to being around much girls especially very pretty ones like she was. he quietly got out of his thoughts and led the way to the aisle where yogurts were.

"well here we are." he said sadly almost as he was sad that he'd be leaving her soon. the two engaged and small talk and walked around the grocery store forgetting about their responsibilities.

" thank you so much. i never thought that looking for yogurt would lead into a conversation about how you eat broccoli with hot sauce" she giggled.

"you can't knock it till you try it." he said while looking down at his shoes afraid that eye contact with her would cause him to make mistakes.

"we'll meet again. the storm is getting worse so i think i need to head home. she said.
"yeah. yeah. me too. can't stay here forever." he said rather awkwardly.

"not like i live here to stay here cause that that would be weird. that... would be very weird." he said while sticking his hands in his pocket while his voice trailed off.

"love it's okay i know what you mean." she chuckled. it was very evident to her that he got nervous around her.

he ignored his heart racing after she called him love. it was innocent but yet struck him by the heart strings nevertheless. to quiet his mind he decided to ask the girl a question. "how are so  certain that we'll meet again?" he inquired. "i don't even know your name."
before she got to open her mouth to say it the intercom interrupted her.

attention all shoppers. attention all shoppers. there is a flash flood warning. all customers must stay in the building until further notice. thank you.

it was going to be a long day.

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