chapter 1

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I know I'm not special. I've heard it more times than I can count from my father. He's an alcoholic and hasn't been sober for five years. I blame him for everything wrong with my family. Ever since he started drinking nothing was ever the same.

he's abusive and cannot take care of us anymore. My mom refuses to kick him out because "he needs us more than ever right now. "All I have to say to that is bullshit. He needs help that we can't possibly give him.

I walk along the sidewalk taking a drag from my cigarette. The warm smoke fills my lungs and makes my body warm. When I exhale the cold air comes up on me once again. Two more blocks and I reach Voilet's house. she's already waiting for me.

"Took you long enough! I've been out here for 20 minutes! "She exclaims jumping off her porch and jogging over to me.

"Sorry my mom made me drop Luke off at the playground. "I explained.

"Eh, no biggie. How's everything going at home? "She asked pulling her phone out of her pocket.

I never lied to Violet. She's my best friend and has been since third grade. We've been best friends for 10 years. I could tell her anything. "V, it sucks. My mom refuses to face reality and kick my asshole dad out and Luke's therapy cost a fortune and who knows what the hell Emilys up to, she's barely home."

"Dani, I know it's hard but your dad does have a problem and does need help. Your mom loves him obviously she's not just going to kick him out onto the street with nowhere to go. " Violet says.

we walk in silence the rest of the way to our favorite little bookstore/coffeeshop thing. Nobody from school goes there, in fact I don't think anyone ever goes there.

we head inside and order our usual coffees and sit at our favorite table. Sipping on drinks in the quiet, I people watch until I finally break the silence, "he hit me yesterday. "I say quietly.

"Danielle, oh my God. where? Are you okay? " She asked looking worried.

"I'm fine I guess. I'm used to it now. He yelled at me because I forgot to go to the store and get his booze and he ran out so he slapped me." I explained staring out the window watching a little boy chase a bird.

"Doesn't hurt? How can you say you're fine Dani, that's not fine. "

"Vi, of course it hurts. But the pain reminds me I'm still alive. I'm used to it by now. "She stares at me from across the table. She opens her mouth then closes it again, unsure of what she's going to say. My phone buzzes from inside my purse. I get a text from my dad:


Seconds later, another message:


"I gotta go. I'll call you later, okay? Tell everyone I say hi" I say as I stand up to leave.

Violet stands up and hugs me. "Okay babe. Be safe. "

I nod and leave the quaint shop heading towards the park. The cold fall air sends a shiver through my body when I finally reach the playground. I see Luke running around and playing with another little kid. I decide to let him play a little longer. Taking out my pack of Marlboro's I light one and place it between my lips. The smoke filled me with a calm feeling until my peace was interrupted by a voice.

"You know smoking can kill you right? "And annoying but highly attractive boy asks.

"exactly. "I say and turn back around to watch Luke.

"So why do you do it? "The kid asked taking a seat next to me on the bench.

"Because I want to and it's none of your goddamn business." God this kid was nosy.

"Hey, calm down. I'm just saying you shouldn't smoke. I'm Ashton by the way. Ashton Irwin." he holds his hand out and I look down at it and continue to take drags from my cigarette.

after a few seconds his hand falls to his lap and we sit in silence once again until he speaks up again, "you're Danielle right? i've seen you around school. I think we have bio together and lunch." he asks.

i nod in response and finish my cigarette which means it's time to go. I grab my bag and stand up, throwing the cigarette butt on the ground and stepping on it with my shoe

The boy, Ashton, hold something out for me in his hand. I look at it and realize it's gum. I give him a confused look and start to walk away

"Take it. So your parents won't smell the smoke on your breath." He holds his hand out further. I realize it's not a bad idea so I reach and take the gum.

"Thanks." I say as a pop it in my mouth and turn to find my brother.

hey guys so I don't even know if anyone's going to read this but if you are thank you so much. I have a lot of ideas for this story and I'll try and update every few days. lots of love!

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