16 1 0

Yoongi focus

Yoongi had almost completely moved on from Jimin


Yoongi sat at the bar mulling over his thoughts of the boy he once loved, drink in hand and hood on his head, he didn't know what to do, he had a sinking feeling in his gut that something bad was happening or was going to happen and he didn't know what

Thinking maybe it was just the alcohol so he placed down his glass with a loud thump, the bartender glancing at him before quietly grabbing the glass and putting in the back room with all the other dirty dishes

Sighing dejectedly Yoongi put his head in his hand

"Here bud try this instead it's stronger" 

The Bartender had returned with what appeared to be a Spirytus Stawski something Yoongi had heard was one of the strongest alcohol's in the business 

Yoongi started at the glass for a minute, deciding it was okay and taking a tiny sip of the alcohol, but not before the glass was completely ripped from his hands 

"Hey what the hell man" Yoongi looked at the man

"You shouldn't drink it Yoongi, it's the strongest thing they've got and I don't want you doing something while blackout drunk from one shot, understand?" The man said walking away after throwing the drink out 

Yoongi was confused, how had the man known his name and... why had the man sounded so familiar? and why had he had a similar smell to that of....


Shouting at the man's back Yoongi ran after him, grabbing the mans shoulder and spinning him around to face him

Jimin looked at Yoongi, but it took Yoongi a minute to realize it was Jimin, he almost said sorry and turned to go away because this was not his Jiminie, there was no way

The man standing in front of him skinny as a rail and covered in tattoos and scars was not, no could not be his Jiminie

The thighs he once loved because of their fullness were no longer thick but instead abnormally skinny and covered in scars from self harm and heroine injections

The bright, brown eyes full of life and love that Yoongi had adored about the younger were dark and no longer held that spark of life and happiness 

His arm which had once been strong and tan were now pale and littered in tattoos and scars just as his legs were

That was the least of it though because the thing that stood out to Yoongi was the ring Yoongi had once placed on his finger as a promise to never leave Jimin still adorned his hand

Yoongi stood shocked for a moment before he felt Jimin jerk away from his grasp as though burned

Jimin looked at Yoongi with stone cold eyes before turning around and walking away 

Yoongi didn't chase after this time.


Sorry this is like all over the place and kinda short

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2020 ⏰

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