part one

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So it came to the last day of my certificate 3 in captive animals, I have been at tafe 2 days a week and one day at my prac witch was currumbin wildlife park. It was great, I loved all the friends I made. I will miss all the animals I looked after. I had an amazing time with the lemurs I got to look after them pretty much the whole time. With this cert under my belt will mean I have completed my goal since I was 10. I loved animals at school I have the amazing opportunity to study a cert in tourism and one in events and also a cert 3 in early childhood education, which has been the way I can afford to study.I am waiting to get my certificate and get out of here don't get me wrong I loved it, but my campuses were a little outdated. I will not make it to the ceremony so my trainer gave me my certificate at the end of the class, so I just hoped in my car when I get a call from my best friend.

Hey I finished

Oh my gosh I am so proud of you

Thanks bub I am heading home to apply for Australia zoo

I will meet you at your place with some bubbles and tire is coming too

Oh thanks I have news too guess what


They have an opening to work with the lemurs

Yay I have good feeling that your going to get this job

Me too I got to go or I will get stuck in traffic love ya

Love ya too bubs

Yep that's my best friend Emma I have been friends with her all through high school she's the one that had to put up with my annoying ass talking about animals 24/7 I was lucky enough to do my cert in childcare with her which made it 10 times better. Tire is my second-best friend his name is axle but we call him tire because why not.When I get home to my apartment I can see Emma and tires cars, (Emma has a key) so I head upstairs and get bombarded with hugs and giggles.

"I can't believe I did it quick I need to apply before it get snatched" I say

I grab my laptop out and open the saved page then attached a copy of my cert then push send. Next thing I hear pop. Emma popped the bubblesI did itI really did it. I have a glass and we cheers. We catch up a bit then they head of leaving me to think about where I will stay luckily for me I have a little bit of money and I own a home up on the sunny coast so I will live there. next thing I hear my phone ring 

 "hello Delilah here" I say

"hi this is Mel here from Australia zoo I just got your application I would like to set up an interview you sound perfect for the job none of the other applicants have as much training as you I personally used to work with the lemurs here they are pretty well behaved." The lady on the phone says

"Thanks Mel I would love to come up for an interview when suits you"

"I was hoping for some time tomorrow in the afternoon around 3 if you get the job can you start Monday"

"tomorrow sounds perfect thanks Mel and yes I will be able to start Monday thanks again see you tomorrow."

"see you then meet me at the front gate"

"ok thanks bye"

With that said I run to my room to pack my thing to leave for tomorrow morning I decided its probs best not to tell anyone in case I don't get the job. I have ADHD and dyslexia so I make sure I have my pills and scripts, so I don't run out. I mange to pack my clothes and toiletries, I nearly forgot to take pictures on my wall I love phytophagy so it took a while. I finally managed to pack my car then I go to bed. It was a lot of work to pack it all up but luckily today is Friday so that means that if I get the job I can get anything I need on Sunday. I can't believe this is happening.

the zoo and the zoo boyWhere stories live. Discover now