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I just want to start off by saying thank you guys for 5k and I didn't thank you guys for 4k either so in also thanking you guys for that.  Thank you guys for commenting on every chapter. When I read comments it makes me so happy it literally puts a huge smile on my face. Thank you guys for adding my book to your libraries and reading lists. It makes me really happy to know that you guys want to keep reading my book. Thank you guys for liking because that let's me know that you guys like what I need and I have second thoughts about what I write all the time. I always think 'What if they don't like it?' but then you guys always comment about how you love my book and it clears up all my doubts. Thank you guys for just reading this book. When I first posted a chapter I didn't think it would get any reads, but look at it now. It has 5k of them. I love you guys so so so much. And I just want you guys to know that when I say it at the end of every chapter I mean it. And when I say I love you you for me it is a big deal. I take that seriously. Just know when I say that shit I fucking mean it. If I have ever said 'I love you' to someone I mean it wholeheartedly. I cannot tell you guys how much I love you because I could write a book about how much I love you guys. Each chapter would be dedicated to a different reader/commenter and a different reason I love you guys. Not gonna lie I sorta wanna do that now. Give you guys something to read everyday to let you know that you are loved. I really could go on and on about how much I love you guys because there are so many reasons why.

I also wanted to tell you guys that this book will be ending soon. I really am going to miss all your comments and stuff. After I finish with this book, I will start updating the todobaku book. In that book I said when thus book was going o end, when that book begins, and I have sort of come up with an update schedule. You can read about that in what I posted in the todobaku book. Our journey is coming to an end soon. I'm so glad u got to experience this with you guys. I wish I could meet all of you one day. I'd give you all hugs and thank you for everything you guys do. And if I ever did have this book printed I would have a big ass book signing so I could meet you guys and give you all hugs. And I really am going to make a book and update everyday and tell you guys why I love you. And I think it's really important that you guys know someone loves you. If you ever think no one loves you just know I do. And I really do love you guys and I'm going to be honest I was crying while making this. I just want you guys to know that you are loved. No one should feel like they aren't. Cause if you guys were sad before, you have me now to make you happy. And I will love you guys forever and always. My love for you guys will never end even if I finish this book. And after this book is done I hope to see all of you guys in the comments of the todobaku book. I don't want to be all alone over there without any comments to make my day. Cause you guys really do put a smile on my face every time I read a comment. And if I'm crying now you guys know my stupid ass going to be crying at the end of this book. I love y'all so so much. You guys make me extremely happy. And I cannot thank you enough for it. And an extra I love you since I didn't say it last chapter.

Bye Airheads 🎈
Love you guys💛

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