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-----at the MIN corp.-----

Co-worker1 "ummm mr. min are you having an interest on Kim Y/n, your P.A???"

Me "n-no...why would i???" why did i stutter.....fck

Co-worker2 "its all in the actions mr. min"

Me "what do you mean "its all in the actions" huh???" he said while doing the quote on quote sign

Co-worker3 "its so obvious mr. min that you like your P.A"

Me "can you tell me some of my actions then???"

Co-workers1 "1st action is when you look at her secretly, 2nd you don't like her wearing short skirts or any revealing clothes, 3rd you always call her by her first name "accidentally" and 4th is when the other workers looked at her with lust and you just...you know grab her waist and telling her that somebody is looking at her....and that mr. min is our reason, right boys???"

Co-worker2 & 3 "yupp"

Me "ok the break is over, go back to work"

i go back to the my office and remembering y/n wore a pencil skirt and she told me that she didn't have any pants or slacks in her wardrobe anymore so i just gave her my coat to cover that long legs of her, and i felt that something is rising below me so i looked at it i am so shock right now......i just got a fcking boner.....i need to call her, good thing this my office is soundproof......so no distraction

Me "*voice call* hey y/n....meet me now, this is urgent...really urgent"

Y/n "is there something wrong yoongi???"

god i need her right now

Me "ye-yes...somethings wrong, can you please hurry up"

Y/n "omw yoongi"

Me "don't bring anything ok???"

Y/n "ok sir"

god i can't take this anymore.










[ 𝕎𝔸ℝℕ𝕀ℕ𝔾 18/21+ is coming, so please prepare your HOLY WATER OF POSEIDON OF HOSEOK JUNG]

i gently insert my hand onto my dck and i move my hand up and down from gentle to fast pace, i didn't heard the door opened but i recognized the voice so my eyes went wide and i pinned her to my desk, but before that i lock the door for safety, and i kiss her passionately and i'm so glad that she responds to my kiss....that was the start, from make out to sex 

Me "*giving her wet kisses on her neck* you like that babygirl???"

Y/n "*moans* y-yes yoongi...ahhhhh"

Me "moan for me sweetie, moan for me"

Y/n "ahhhhhhhhhhh~~"

Me "now spread your legs for the big one sweety"

when she spread her legs, damnnnn she is really really wet for me, really easy to let me thrust on her, but first imma put some lub3 and a c0nd0m for protection cause i don't wanna be a dad yet and also i don't wanna get punch by jin-hyung and namjoon

Me "*giving a hickey on her inner thigh and i lick it before kissing it* ok baby, i'm going in"

you know what's gonna happen next so.....yuppp

-----after the FUN  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), welp this cringe as fck-----

Me "that was fun"

Y/n "yea...you already took my v-card now *cocky*" i can't believe this girl

Me "wait?!?! you are a virgin?!?!?!" i think i heard it right

Y/n "yup...but it doesn't hurt that bad" it doesn't hurt?!?!

Me "what did you do then to make your entrance wide????" i asked with curiosity

Y/n "*whispers*....i masturbate *wink*" now that's the one

at this point i was so shook of what she said


Y/n "ummm, did you just suddenly forgot that you have yoonji and besides i'm not your girlfriend, so.........." she said while getting dressed

Yoongi "oh yeah, but i got a boner by accident so........i'm so sorry if i disturb you" i said as i wipe her seeds on my table

Y/n "oh btw yoongs, can you send me to the KIMs Hospital....i have a patient to care"

Yoongi "ok then---"

Y/n "oh and btw...can you wait for 50 minutes and send me to this address because that is where my part time job....please???"

Yoongi "but you have 3 jobs now??? plus your still studying so, why do you need another "job"??? *cold*"

Y/n "i'm sorry" that's all she gotta say to yoongi

Yoongi "......"

Y/n "i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry.....*sniffs* i-i'm so-sorry, i'm sorry.....*crying*" shes repeating all over again

yoongi was so shock and he didn't know what to do, so he call taehyung about what happened to y/n, after yoongi called taehyung he gently pull y/n into his lap and hug her and she cries even more on yoongi's shoulder and then taehyung came with seokjin and namjoon worried face

Taehyung "*sighs* hyung....it came back again *looks at jin*"

Seokjin "*sighs* i know tae.......*looks back at taehyung*"

Yoongi "what did you mean came back again???"

Namjoon "*sighs* yoongi-hyung...what did you do to my sister???"

Yoongi "she just told me to send her at the KIMs Hospital and she also said that after taking care of her patient for 50 minutes and after that i will drop her in her part time job, and i ask coldly why did she need a another job when she have 3 jobs plus still studying, but jinnie-hyung i didn't mean to, i'm sorry y/nie if i hurt you" he caressed y/n's back to comfort her, but it didn't work

Seokjin "taehyung....you know what you do to her" 

Taehyung "yes hyungie" i gently grab y/n away from yoongi-hyung


is it short or long???? is it good???

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