Part One

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His name is Min Yoongi, a new student along with many others joining you for the semester. Though with all the students that are in the study abroad program Yoongi is the only one who catches your eye. You both have English Composition together, though as the semester started you never noticed the blonde Korean sitting in the corner of the classroom. You tried to focus on the lecture but you found yourself attracted to this man sitting in the corner. You found yourself staring at him intensely, biting the end of your pen as you admired his features.

The seriousness of his face, high cheek bones, his blonde hair, those cold unamused eyes of his, his skin looked like milky honey. He looked like he didn't try to look good but you knew that he made an effort, it looked effortless at the same time. He never gave you one glance as he was focused on the lecture, taking notes and studying his text book. He was completely motivated with his work in the class room. You never seen him anywhere but here and it made you wonder what he does on his free time.

The way he held himself made him grow on you, your interest doubling as he seemed so proper yet so bad. He looked dangerous, intimidating and unapproachable. Unable to focus one day on the lecture you start to panic as you hadn't taken any notes. Then it dawns on you that this is the exact excuse you have been looking for to make an approach on Yoongi. Gulping down your anxiety you tell your groups of friends that you'll catch up with them later and walk over to Yoongi who is still scribbling in his notebook.

"H-Hey, Min Yoongi? Right?" You ask standing before him.

His gaze looks up from his notebook to you, his icy stare shooting right through you making you instantly regret coming up to him. The dark irises of his eyes burrowing into your very being in that moment.

"Yes." He says his voice having a light accent.

"I-I was wondering if I could copy your notes for today. I didn't get to finish mine." You say trying not to stutter.

It wasn't like you to walk up to men first, they always came to you. More like you waited for someone to come up to you so that you wouldn't have to face the anxiety of going up to someone new.

"Maybe you would have finished your notes if you were focused on the lecture instead of me." He says returning to his note book.

His icy words froze you down to your very core, the fact that he knew you were staring at him the whole time made you tingle. The fact that you of all people had caught his attention made your stomach swirl with excitement.

"Ahh I guess so." You say not denying his accusation.

"Sure you can barrow my notes. Just return them to me when you're done" He says closing his notebook and pressing it against you.

This made you tingle as this is as close as you've ever been to him and you craved for more but had to keep yourself level headed.

"Of course, but..." You trail off.

"I'm in the west dormitory third level." He says bluntly as he walks off.

You don't see it but he shakes his head with a smirk across his face as he walks out of the classroom.

You sigh as you felt relieved, looking down at his notebook you smiled to yourself and you walked over to your bag and set it down. Opening the small black book you look down at the writing to find it had been all written in Korean.

"God damn it Yoongi." You curse to yourself.

Biting your lip you can't help but feel your body tingle as the thought of seeing him again so soon got to you. Throwing your bag over your shoulder still holding the notebook in your hand you went out to lunch and studied his elegant writing. It is amazing that he would be able to translate the lecture into Korean. Honestly it impressed you. Your next class which was also your last classe, went by in a flash as you were able to focus better when you are not in the same room as Min Yoongi. After your last class for the day you are relieved that you only have two classes tomorrow and they were in the evening which was even better, today have been lightly exhausting. Heading across campus you realized that you were in the same dormitory as Yoongi and it made the blood rush to your head as you made your way to the third floor. Your stop was on the second and as you passed it you felt your stomach swirl with nervousness. You didn't know why you were so nervous, but your gut feeling made you nervous.

Can I Borrow Your Notes? (18+)Where stories live. Discover now