Part Two

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"Let's make it last."

Those words echoed through your mind as you stared at the computer screen. Sighing to yourself as the horror has already passed through you, knowing this would have happened sooner or later. What are you looking at? Your English Comp Grade. Cursing yourself over and over trying to figure out what you were going to do about your grades you started to contemplate your life these past few months. Always thinking you were missing the real college experience, that was until this semester. Your parents working hard to pay for your tuition, the ones working their asses off to put their child through college and you were fucking it up...literally. Through out the semester you've been occupied with Yoongi who seems to be doing just fine in his classes. However that isn't the least of your problems, being focused on the relationship you share with Yoongi really made your grades suffer. What was worse than your grades? The feelings you started having for Yoongi that you didn't want.

Finals are coming up and that could either make you or break you and it is well known. You know getting a good grade is like the holy grail, it would save you from failing. You were way too occupied with the wild encounters with Min Yoongi it was like a dream to you.

Sighing again you think about the times you've spent with him and all the times it seems like he doesn't care about anything more than having sex. That is how you met and you were sure that is how it will all end as well. To you it was all fun and games until recently you realized that you started to like this man, you like sleeping with him, the way he made you feel. Though what you share is way less than a relationship, outside the bedroom you two looked like nothing more than classmates that occasionally went out together. Sure you went out together a few times but it was mostly with the company of friends which made it hard to talk to one another. Wanting to have something more with him seemed like a far fetched dream, you kept in touch and messaged through out the day but it didn't seem like anything other than mindless flirting.

You find yourself constantly craving his touch on those lonely nights when you were up late studying. Wanting to feel his arms around you, hear his voice telling you to come lay down with him. You know it isn't real what the two of you share, you know it's all going to end soon and you'll end up with your heart broken. Still, you wanted to cuddle with him, go out on dates, talk about things other than school and sex. You two are friends with benefits and it would all be crashing down because you started to have feelings for him.

In class not being able to focus on anything but him, you try to stare at the board and take notes on the lecture happening before you. Yet your eyes stare through the board and your mind slips to him, your eyes linger over to Yoongi. This is exactly how your grade fell to nearly failing. Shaking your head trying to focus on the lecture again your phone buzzes in your pocket and knowing exactly who it is you have a mild mental debate before giving in and looking down at your phone.

-Are you ready for finals?

-Obviously not. This is really the only class I'm failing.

-I wonder why ;)

-Can we just...focus on the problem at hand here?

-I could put a different problem in your hand that one is easier to fix.

-Yoongi I'm being serious! I need to pass this class...

-Alright alright. Meet me at my dorm after your last class.

The last message sent a chill down your spine as you know what usually when down when you met up after class at his dorm room. It stuck in your head during lunch and it stuck in your head during your last class, clouding your judgment, clouding your thoughts. You weren't able to focus in this class either. When the time finally came a relieving feeling overcame you but also a stressful one. You were done with your classes for the day but you were going to see Yoongi and that made your palms sweat. Usually you'd rush right over to Yoongi's dorm room but today was different, today you found yourself walking slower than usual. Finding anything to do that would slow down your route back to the dormitory. Talking to people you knew, looking at things.

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