6. This means war (Part Two)

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a.k.a. a butcher knife, an interrogation and a battlefield (part two)

"Okay, guys don't forget the rules!" Eric turns back to us entering the bar. "No nudity!" he takes a meaningful look at Mike who glances around whistling and pretends not to understand what Eric refers to.

"What?" Judy whispers with a terrified expression.

"Haha, I'll explain it later." I lean to her ears and the smell of her hair makes me feel dizzy immediately.

"And Stone, please don't talk to strangers otherwise we all die here..."

"Seriously, why? I think I'm cool. Mankind isn't intellectually developed enough to understand my humor..."

"Oh yeah, maybe after the extinction of human species you'll be able to make a career as a stand-up comedian..." Judy remarks cracking me and the other members of the company around her up.

"What? What's so funny?" Stone inquires impatiently. He's obviously not used to the role of the target; usually it is him who makes fun of the others.

"Nothing. I was just worrying about the future of mankind." Judy deadpans causing more cackle around her and a perceptible blush on Stone's cheeks.

I head straight for the pool tables with Stone and Dave while Mike and our roads choose to explore the pinball machines. Eddie, Beth and Karrie decide to order our drinks at the counter and the only one left at the door is Judy. She's turning her head helplessly hesitating who to join.

"Hey Judy, do you want to play?" I call her pointing at her with the pool cue.

"I... I can't play, I've only tried two or three times in my life and I always sucked..." she explains making a few insecure steps in our direction.

"Then we shouldn't force her. So let's play!" Stone grabs the other cue with a quick move and turns his back on her.

"But if she played we could form two teams and play against each other. Judy, it is high time you practiced!" Dave argues.

"I like the idea. Judy, you're with me, I'll explain the rules to you and help with the moves." I volunteer to have an excuse for staying next to her as long as possible.

"The main goal of the game is to hit the white ball into any of the holes..." Stone grins in front of himself while chalking the tip of his cue stick. I should have known that... he won't leave her alone until he manages to rile her up.

"Oh, yeah, thanks for considering me a stupid caveman but I have some faint ideas about the rules..." she rolls her eyes and folds her arms. I've already observed this defensive reaction of hers; feeling danger she immediately pulls back into her shell. I have to work against that because it doesn't fit my plan.

"Birds of a feather flock together..." Stone mutters. What a douche... Judy can't know that calling me a caveman is Stone's favorite habit to emphasize his assumed intellectual superiority to me. Or to anyone else.

"Okay, Judy, the first turn is yours..." I rather focus on my project handing her the stick. And I have to admit she was right about her abilities... She hits the white ball only for the third attempt and due to her effortless strike it misses every other one in its surrounding.

"That'll be a looong game... If I had known that I would have brought dry food and fluids enough for three days. And a sleeping bag." Stone comments Judy's performance, which probably doesn't help her collecting some confidence for the next round but I see a strange fire in her look, this time she doesn't seem to be bothered by Stone's usual show.

"Stone, if you shut up at least for a few seconds you could notice that I'm ensuring our winning position..." Dave warns him and targets the plain blue ball.

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