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Friday, 6:52 p.m.

Again, the days went by fast. Kim and I seemed to do pretty well on exams, but even if we hadn't Kim wouldn't have been worried. We both couldn't wait until exams were finished, however... The more exams we got done, the closer prom day arrived. And as excited I was about prom, I was also dreading it. I had always thought that my dad would be here for prom and graduation, but... I suppose life isn't always how we planned.

Right now, Kim and I were in her room getting ready for the dance. We had bought our prom dresses weeks ago--and Kim was looking forward to this day ever since. I was too, of course, but not as excited as I had been a couple of weeks ago.

Kim squeeled when she saw herself in the mirror with her dress on and hair done. "I can't wait to get to prom and dance in this!" She exclaimed as she twirled in front of the mirror.

I chuckled from where I was sitting on a chair, getting my hair done by Kim's mom. "Is there a specific person you hope to dance with?" I teased.

Kim swayed back and forth, admiring as the skirt of her dress swayed with her. "Well... I don't know. I'm fine with almost anyone. As long as I get to dance."

"How about Jaden?" I asked with a smirk.

Kim looked up at me. "What about him?"

"What if he asked you to dance?"

"Do you even know who you're talking about? Jaden wouldn't ask me to dance with him," Kim assured me. 

"Just answer the question," I told her, rolling my eyes.

"Well..." Kim's cheeks turned a light pink colour. "If he did... I might say yes."

"Might?" I echoed, cocking a brow as I did.

"Well, yeah!" Kim answered, plopping down on her bed. "He's a friend. I wouldn't want to be rude!"

"Uh huh, sure..." I said, unconvinced.

"Who's this Jaden?" Kim's mom, Elena, asked us.

"Just some guy from school. No one important," Kim answered quickly. Too quickly, in my opinion.

"Kim hasn't told you about Jaden?" I asked innocently, glancing at Kim from the corner of my eye. "She tells me about him all the time."

"No... she hasn't," Elena answered. I could almost hear her smirking. "But I would love to hear about him."

I glanced at Kim again, ready to tell her mom everything. Kim sent me a look that told me I better not, or else....

But I ignored it. 

"Oh, there's plenty to say about him. Kim always tells me how talented he is, how sweet he is, and how amazing his hair is," I said, ignoring Kim's glare.

"Oh really?" Elena seemed to find this all very interesting. "Maybe I should come to the party to meet this Jaden."

"Mom, are you serious? This is prom. You can't come," Kim told her, sounding annoyed.

"Why not? Wouldn't you just love to show me off to all your friends?" Elena teased. "And I would absolutely love to talk to this Jaden. He sounds so nice."

"Uh, no. You wouldn't," Kim insisted.

"Why not? You said yourself that he's really sweet."

"Actually, Bailee did."

"But they were your words," I corrected her.

"My mom doesn't know that! For all she knows, you could be lying!" 

Red Hood || Book One of Luna Blue SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now