Ch. 2

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Christinia's P.O.V

I've decided to stay here at Wales for the remainder of the year before I run away from everything and start over. I promised Skylar that after I ran away I would skype every night with her and always keep contact with her no matter what.

The next couple of months of school were sheer torture for me. Each and everyday got worse with my deepest secrets and the rumors are getting worse. I will probably be running away earlier than I originally thought. Skylar is tying to convince me to stay though.. I've already said I'd stay for 2 months longer but I can't give into her anymore. I've told her time and time again that I can't stay any longer than I have. She's still trying to convince me to stay though.. she knows that Im not giving in to her but she cares enough to try.

The end of this week.. That's when I decided I'm leaving here.. Skylar's still trying to convince me to stay but I'm still leaving. I really do feel bad for leaving Skylar all by her self to most likely get bullied and have rumors spread about her. I don't want that to happen to her but I have to leave for my own sake.. that makes me sound selfish but I've dealt with it for so long and I just can't take it anymore.

*Fast forward to the day she leaves*

Todays the day. The day I'm finally leaving this horrid place. I actually feel sad leaving. I'm leaving my home, Skylar and everything and everyone I've ever known. But I honestly don't regret leaving at all. I want to leave this horrid place and start over somewhere else far away enough to where I won't have to deal with people who dont like me. I'm going to Doncaster, yes Doncaster where Louis Tomlinson used to live. I rented out a small flat already in Louis's old neighbour hood. I doubt I'll ever meet him anyways but I guess its worth a shot. This is what I'm wearing for my runaway.

I'm all packed and ready to just run from here. I'm actually going to run for awhile like a cliche movie. But I'm only running half way there then I'm going to catch a cab the rest of the way. I grab all my bags (which isnt a lot) and start to run. I start to turn the corner when I hear screaming from behind me. I think nothing of it though because celebraties come here all the time, Im still running full speed when I hear running behind me so I stop and look behind me and see something I didnt expect to see... the 5 boys of One Direction running full speed right at me with hundreds of girls trailing behind them. Oh God.

I whip around and start to run as fast as my feet could carry me. The next thing I know 2 out of the 5 pick me up while running and continue running with me in their arms. What. The. Hell. Soon they turn sharply on corner and keep running until I spot a alley and shout at them to turn into there. The two who were carrying me (who I found were Liam and Zayn) let me down and handed me my stuff. "Okay, why did you guys basically kidnap me? Just wondering though, I think I kinda deserve to know this ya know? So explain." I say to them

"I like this girl maybe we should kidnap her" I hear a certain Cheshire accent whisper to Louis. "Haha. Ya I'd like to see that happen I could out run you anytime of the week." I say directly to Harry "Oh yea? Then why did Liam and Zayn catch up to you so quickly? Hmmm?" He asks me "Well because I wasnt running my full speed." I state simply. "Now can someone explain why I was carried into an alley by 2/5's of One Direction?" I ask no in particular

"Well... what happend was we were trying to find a starbucks, and fans found us and we were running for 4 blocks, saw you running, stop and turn around then whip back around and start running again." Liam explained "Why were you running anyways?" he asked. "Erm.. well I'm in the process of running away from this horrid place." I say quietly. "Well don't you think we should get you back to your parents? They must me worried sick about you" Liam said concerned. Daddy Direction everybody. "Well they'd be worried if they were alive to know that I'm actually running away." I mumble quietly hoping none of them heard. But lifes full of disapointments isn't it. "What? your parents aren't alive!? I'm so so sorry for mentioning them I didn't know!" Liam rambles. "It's ok no one really knows. And no one really cares or understands other than Skylar." I say to them all with a fake smile hoping they would buy it. But once again life's full of disapointments, they saw right through it. Damn it all. "C'mon we all know that smile is fake. By the way we never got your name." Louis speaks up. "Thats because I never gave you my name." I retort but then sigh. " My name is Christina, Christina Smith. You can call me Chris for short, but never and I mean never call me Tina. EVER. Or I will personally rip off your baby makers and feed them to a stray dog." I threaten. Their eyes widen in shock and nod their heads quickly. I can't belive they thought I was being serious, their so gullible. Niall speaks up "So what did you mean when you said you were 'running away from this horrid place'?"

"Heh heh, you caught that then?" I ask nervously. They all nodded their heads. Awesome. "Well since the beggining of highschool I lost my only friend, started to get bullied, got these disgusting rumors spread about me and I made a new friend a couple months ago named Skylar and I finally decided to leave. I was heading to Doncaster to start over in the flat I've rented until I was basically kidnapped by the 5 hottest boys in the world...." I was about to start rambling when Louis interrupted me. "Woah woah what a minute.. Did you say you were renting a flat in Doncaster and that we were the 5 hottest boys in the world?" He smirked at me. "Well yea.. I've rented a flat in your old neighbourhood and I did in fact say you were the 5 hottest boys in the world. But anyone with a brain would say the same." I say and smile genuinly at them. They all stare at me and smile mischeviously. My smile falters and I look at them curiously. "Why are you all smiling like that? It's kinda scaring me." I say seriously.

"What do you mean?" They all say in unison, okay now I definitely know somethings up. "I will rip out all your vocal cords if you don't tell me why your being all mischevious." I say in fake seriousness with my best pokerface. It must have worked because their smiles falterd and their hand flew up to their necks to protect their vocal cords. I smile victouriously and start laughing. Loudly. And mind you we were still in the alley and the fans were still looking for us. They had'nt found us until I started to laugh. All the boys faces were paniced and they grabbed me again and started running while I was still laughing. We eventually found their hotel and ran inside to the lifts. Thats when I stopped laughing immediatly as soon as I realized we were going into an lift. The boys noticed I suddenly stopped laughing and looked at me with curiousity swirling in their eyes and written all over their faces. "Why did you stop laughing?" Niall asked me. "Well when I was little I was in a elevator with a bunch of random people and it stopped and it was hours until they came and got us out of it. I became clauhsterphobic and deathly afraid of lifts. I have a panic attack whenever I'm on one for longer than 5 minutes." I explain to them all. I was about to leave the lift but the doors closed and I backed into the corner and started to hyperventilate. Niall rushed over and sat next to me and rocked back and forth with me while whispering comforting things in my ear. Next thing I know the lift jolts and stops and the light flickers and then the lift goes black. This is when I really start to panic.

Authors note

BLEHH a perfect example of word vomit right there ladies and gentlemen! personally i dont feel like the chapter is very good bu ya know whatever! my ideas have to go somewhere! now im not going to be posting for a couple days 'cuz ill be in missouri and there s no wifi like anywhere there so ill start posting again on tuesday! picture of Skylar on the side. I'll post Madi's picture next chapter. Stay beautiful!! luhf you all! <3

~ Anna

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2013 ⏰

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