I'll Show You the Light

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Short chapter I know :( I'll make it up next chapter with a bunch of drama and more Narry lovin' :D

Comment/Vote if you like it. xx


-Niall’s Point of View-

“Does this look good?” Harry questions turning around in a circle in the middle of the dorm.

I look up from tying my shoes and my chest aches at how fucking beautiful Harry is.

Harry’s got on this loose fitted white t-shirt that dips low revealing his collar bone. The pair of black jeans fits him just right making his legs look miles long and hugging all the right places. Looking that perfect shouldn’t be allowed.

“You don’t like it.” He states.

I gaze at his face. His green eyes hold mine, the cloud of curls hover just above his brow.

“You’re so lovely, Harry.” I sigh. I hope he can hear the way the words wrap around his name like a caress.

The corners of his lips turn up slowly. The smile reaches his eyes and it makes everything right in the world. It makes me feel good. Better than good, every single fantastic word there is. There isn’t anything to do but smile back at him.

“You are too.” He saunters over and straddles me. His arms hang loosely on my shoulders.

I look down. I suddenly feel ordinary.

“I want to make you feel beautiful because that’s what you are.” He says pressing his forehead against my own.

“Yeah I know…’inner beauty’ and all that jazz.” I scoff.

“No. Well you are beautiful on the inside but you are on the outside too. You’re too gorgeous to have all these insecurities.” His words ghost over my lips.

“What do you know about insecurity?” I ask carefully sliding him off my lap.

“I may not understand it, but I know what it is.”

“You’re lucky.”

“Lucky? What good am I if I can’t make you feel wonderful?”

My head snaps to him.

“I’m sorry. Hey, look at me. It’s okay. I don’t mean to push this on you.”

“I should be making you feel good. But you’re so sad sometimes.”  Harry takes my hand and laces his fingers with mine.

“I know. I’m such a downer-“

“Stop that.”

I raise my eyebrows.

“I don’t like the way you run yourself into the ground.”

I never thought of it that way. I don't do it intentionally. I can't help it if I don't think very highly of myself. It doesn't help my self-esteem comparing myself with gorgeous Harry. I've got to stop.

“You’re right.” I sigh lying back in bed.

Harry snuggles against my side and drapes his leg across my waist. I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him against me close as possible. His hand travels beneath my shirt and I break out into chills. He outlines the faint abs on my stomache.

The door bursts open and I sit bolt upright.

It’s only Zayn accompanied by Louis.

“Haven’t you heard of knocking?” I ask my cheeks flushing.

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