Chapter 1: Two Mistakes

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(A/N I'm so sorry for this AN at the start of the book, I really hate it when there's a long AN on the very first chapter so I'll try to keep this short but I have a few things to say. This is a request I've gotten from _Gun_Dragon_Slayer_ an eternity ago and so the reader's quirk is her idea! (I don't think you even remember about this request ahaha) This will also be a much shorter story compared to my other ones, I'm gauging around 10-12 chapters more or less. There will be lots of angst along the way but there will also be just as much fluff so I do hope you'll like it. I'll really stop rambling and I hope you enjoy it!)

WARNINGS: Throughout this fic, there will be a little angst, mentions of torture, and scenes that include torture. There won't be anything too descriptive but please make sure you understand these warnings before reading!

I'll be marking warnings for EACH CHAPTER so you'll be able to skip the ones that include those topics if you'd still like to read.


CHAPTER WARNINGS: None this chapter :))


His fingers were rough against your soft cheeks but you leaned your face into his hand nonetheless, closing your eyes. You missed this, you missed him so much you almost wanted to cry. Slowly, you opened your eyes again and stared into his and somehow you could tell that he missed it too, he missed you too. You put your hand over his that was still on your cheek and closed your eyes once more. Not a single word was said but both of you understood that that was for the best. A single word would shatter the whole atmosphere and bring so many tears, so sometimes it was better to be silent, and this was one of those moments. 

It was all so that nothing would break the two of you apart, ever again.


Exactly 6 months ago.

The wind blew your hair all over your face and you closed your eyes as you tried to get your hair out of your face. It was a beautiful day- the sun was shining but it wasn't too hot thanks to the wind, it was a perfect day for your provisional license exam. Your school was a hero school but it wasn't a big one so you'd have to be careful if you wanted to pass. As soon as you got your hair out of your face, your eyes met someone else's, a red-haired boy wearing a UA uniform. It was only for a split second at most and neither of you would have thought that the other would become something significant in their life, but somehow but of you remembered each other. That split second was more than enough for the two of you to notice the other.

The provincial license was nerve-racking but it was also such a fun experience for you. The relief and joy that you had felt once you had passed were indescribable. With your provincial license, you were now able to part-time as a hero and you couldn't hold in the excitement for what was ahead. You were much closer to becoming a pro hero than you thought and your dreams were slowly becoming reality. There wasn't one thing to be upset about and you hoped that it'd stay that way.


Over the course of the week, you continued to look into potential part-time hero jobs you could do for experience. There were many available but if possible, you wanted one where you could use your quirk effectively for the agency. Since this was more for yourself and your overall experience, there wasn't really a point if your quirk wasn't meant for it. Your quirk is Shadow Manipulation, meaning you have the ability to control the movements of other people. Binding up villains or holding them in place would probably be something you could do but you've had no luck finding anything so far.

You let out a sigh and peered out the window of your classroom. The thing about the part-time job was slightly stressing you out but looking out the window always calmed you down. A light breeze slipped in through the little gap where the window was open, causing you to shiver a little. It's a little chilly today.

But there was one more thing that wouldn't leave your mind- it was the red-haired boy from the provincial license exam. Somehow your thoughts kept wandering back to that moment. He had a beautiful smile.

As you continued to look and look, you couldn't seem to find anything that fit what you were looking for and you were starting to give up. Maybe I'll go ask sensei and if he doesn't know of anything, I'll really give up. And so, once your classes were over, you went over to ask him about it, and sure enough, he was able to give you an offer.

From now, until the next 6 months, you made 6 mistakes that were about to change your life. None of them were really your fault, but they were still mistakes and 2 out of these 6 mistakes, were made today. 

"Yeah, I actually know of one that's perfect for your quirk. You probably won't be able to find them without a referral though. Give me a second I'll write you one," he said.

Why didn't I do this a week ago?? Am I stupid, that's what my teachers are here for! Oh my gosh, I wasted so much time and effort searching for options.

You should have noticed there, that it was strange. Even referral-based agencies would have some sort of website you could go to or a number you could call and then they'd ask you to get a referral. The fact that you've been searching for a week and nothing near it had come up was undeniably strange but you failed to notice then. That was mistake #1.

"Here you are," he said and handed you the referral note and a separate note with a phone number for you to call along with the location of the agency. He smiled very sincerely at you and wished you good luck with your part-time and you were nothing but thrilled. 

"Thank you so much! I can't believe I spent a week looking for something that fit my quirk when I could have asked you from the very beginning... Thank you so much again!" you said and started to walk out of the teachers' office.

"(L/n)," your teacher said once more and you turned around. "Let me know how it goes and make sure to have fun."

"I will!"


Later that day, right after you got out of the shower and dried your hair, you fell onto your bed and tried to calm down, you were just so excited. You quickly got up and decided to call the number. That was mistake #2. Not that you called, but the fact that you were still unable to tell how sketchy this offer was.

"H-hello. My name is (L/n) (Y/n) and I have a referral from my teacher. I'm hoping to be able to work at your agency as a part-time job," you quickly introduced yourself.

A lady with a very sweet voice came on the call and replied to you. "Okay, I'll need you to send a picture of your referral so I'll ask for your email and other information later if you don't mind. We'll continue to talk but if all goes well, could come over to our agency next Friday at 8 pm?"

"Yes, it would be my pleasure to!" you said and the two of you continued to talk for a little longer.

As soon as the call ended, you took a picture of the referral and emailed it over to her. Within minutes you got a response stating that she was looking forward to seeing her at the previously said time.

Friday at 8 pm... that's awfully late, especially considering the fact that I'm only meeting them. Maybe they're just really busy in the day.

You fell down into your bed once more and you smiled brightly. A hero. It was a dream beyond a dream and you're so close to it now. Your mattress felt softer than usual and your blanket felt warmer. It was a long week and you were super tired, but you were even more excited. You tossed and turned in your bed but you were unable to sleep and as your mind wandered some more, it shot back to that memory of the UA student and you laughed a little. 

Why do I keep thinking about him? I wonder if I'll be able to see him again.

And before you knew it, you had fallen asleep.

(A/N Thank you so much for reading! Ahahaha my 5th book is starting and I'm very excited. If you've read my other books you may notice, but I've changed POVs! I now write in 2nd person omniscient and I hope it'll be easier for you to read. Again, the reader's quirk belongs to _Gun_Dragon_Slayer_ as this is their request. I've said this at the beginning but I'd like to say this again that there are sensitive topics in this book including torture and mentions of torture so please read at your own risk! I really hope you enjoyed this first chapter and I hope you'll keep reading! PLUS ULTRA!!!!!)

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