Chapter 4: Akunoda Rii

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CHAPTER WARNINGS: Mentions of death/potential murder


You were shivering from fear long after Kanamiya had led you out of that room. She had a worried look on her face and she held your hand even tighter. You thought she'd tell you that you'd be alright, but she didn't. She stayed silent and looked away from you.

"H-have you k-killed anyone here?" your voice cracked a little.

Her eyes met yours for a few seconds but she quickly looked away again. "Not yet," she said and that relieved you a little— just a little— but at least a little. "But many, many, people have been very severely injured here."

Your eyes widened and you felt dead inside all over again. No words came out of you, there was nothing for you to say. Then you heard a gasp from Kanamiya and she quickly fell down to her knees.

"Riki-san, I'm sorry, I thought—" she started and your lips started to quiver.

Who? What? Who was she talking to? Who was she talking about? Where is this 'Riki' person?

"Kanamiya-san!" you said and bent down to check if she was okay. Her voice was breathy and strained but she still managed to fake a smile and say, "I'm okay (L/n). I'm alright, don't worry."

Kanamiya gasped again and from the other side of the hallway, you heard the faint taps on the ground coming from someone's heals.


It was 10 pm and around this time, someone was having trouble falling asleep. Kirishima Eijirou. Your hero agency thing continued to worry him and he had no idea what he could do. Well, there really wasn't anything that he could do— he didn't even know exactly which building your hero agency was at and he didn't know the name of it either so there was no point in trying to think about it.

But nonetheless, he was worried. He could be overthinking it but it didn't stop him from getting worried. As long as it's a certified hero agency you should be alright. He tossed and turned in his bed as he thought and thought. You'll be alright, he tried to convince himself but he couldn't sleep. He let out a sigh and got out of his bed to get a drink of water.


"" the voice said. It was a cute, sweet voice but the words were said with such hatred and pain, it felt like a miscast in a movie. "I've told you so many times to not call me that, do you want me to rip off your ears? Is that what you want?"

"Sorry, Rii-chan," Kanamiya said. "And I—"

She was a short young girl, a year older than me at most. "I don't want to hear it, Kana."

"Who are you?" you asked her softly. You were terrified but you had to know who she was. What was a girl, one year above you at most, doing so high up in a place like this?

"Oh! You must be the new girl. (L/n) right?" she said sweetly. "My name is Akunoda Rii."

"Akunoda?" you said shocked. "Are you related to Akunoda-sensei?"

"Oh, you know Papa?" she asked you.

"Y-you're his daughter?" you said.

"Uh-huh," she said. She then opened her mouth to say something else but closed it again. Don't want to risk upsetting Papa.

You looked at her with a questioning look but she shook it off and

"Well, I hope you like it here. By the way Kana, I'll let you go for today but don't test your luck," she said and turned around to leave. In one swift move, she whipped her head back around and glared at you with the most menacing stare you had ever seen. "By the way, (L/n), I'm always watching you."

The taps from her heels faded away as she disappeared into the hallway. The whole hallway was dead silent for a few good seconds until Kana stood up. "I think you should go for today," she said to you. "It's getting late."

You nodded and went off to change back to your regular clothes. She led you through a back entrance this time and told you that it was a much faster way in and out. "I'll email you about further shifts then," she told you tiredly. She looked so tired.

You nodded again, said a quick thank you and left for the night. You walked back home very quickly, but you were exhausted. There's been too much going on and you've been so stressed about it all. There were many things you needed to think about, but you didn't have the energy to. You opened the door to your place, locked it behind you, and ran upstairs for a quick shower. The warm water felt so good against your skin, and it warmed you up. You let out a sigh and sat in the shower for a little. As soon as you got out, you jumped onto your bed and sunk into your mattress. There was nothing more you could do with the energy you had left— you were so mentally spent and soon enough, you were sound asleep.

That was mistake No.4. No matter how tired you were there were 2 things you had to do that night. You had to properly analyze Rii's quirk and her power from the information you had and you had to realize what that meant she could do.

Basically you had to understand her power before you went to school the next day and you failed to do that. This mistake was such a fatal mistake, if not for this mistake the story I'm about to tell you would have went on a completely different path.

But what's done, is done. There's no turning back so all you could do was wait until you realized what you've gotten yourself into.

(A/N Thank you so much for reading this part! It's a little shorter than usual and I'm really sorry about that. I'll try to get some more content out for next week but I didn't want to strech it out for no reason at all. I still hope you enjoyed it and I'm so sorry I'm a day late again. Thank you so much and I hope to see you next chapter! PLUS ULTRA!!!!!)

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