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(I couldn't find a single fanfiction like this unfortunately, so I decided to make my own! I need this comedyyy)

"Ahoko!" -- "Bakaito!" Kaito Kuroba and Nakamori Aoko yelled at each other, Aoko swinging a mop around like a sword at Kaito, who dodged it with ease. The teacher watched them jump about the classroom, sighing in defeat as the lesson was forgotten by the spectating students. Even though this happens every day, they still somehow find their exchange amusing - or perhaps a chance to forget about math. Either way, it was annoying, yet she couldn't do anything about it without being the target for his pranks.

Aoko swung the mop sideways, trying to catch him by the side, but he dodges it. Kaito smirked at her from the ceiling, sticking to it without any obvious way to hold him up. Aoko, instead of being surprised (she long since stopped questioning the feats Kaito can pull off), just started yelling at him, waving the mop angrily. Hakuba sighed, feeling a headache coming on. Akako just watched them with a smirk, chuckling into her hand.

Then there was a disturbance. Akako stiffened, her eyes widening in shock. Who was using magic, and why? Akako didn't move from her seat, but started concentrating on pulling her magic to her hands so she could use it quickly if worst comes to worst. She couldn't. Akako started panicking now, visibly sweating with her eyes wide in fear. "Koizumi-san?" The teacher asks, noticing that something was wrong. Then she felt something cold brush the back of her neck and she fell forward, suddenly feeling extremely sleepy. 'No..I can't fall asleep, there's danger!' Her head hit the desk, and she lost the ability to move her limbs, and her eyelids fell, too heavy to keep open.


"Conan-kun, don't" Ran called to him, her voice trailing off sleepily. Conan frowned, hadn't she gotten enough sleep last night? He could have sworn she was asleep before 9:30 last night (the day had been tiring for everyone, a kidnapping case gone wrong.), so why was she tired? Then there was a crash, and Conan was now concerned. He raced to the main room, feeling panicked. 'Did the Black Organizati-' No, he realized, she would've been shot. Then why? Conan slid into the room, and saw...nothing? A stand was knocked over - the cause of the crash - but where was Ran? Then he felt something cold brush his neck, and he too fell to the ground.


Nakamori growled at the latest notice - KID always got on his nerves. He wanted to catch the thief so he could spend more time with Aoko, with Kaito. He was always so busy with KID that he relinquished his time with his own family. (Nakamori knows Kaito isn't his son, but with his father being dead and mother spending all her time in France, he spends so much time with him that Kaito may as well be his son.) Not to mention the thief was making him look bad. He isn't an idiot, contrary to what people might think. He can hear what people say about him, and he himself knows that he isn't good enough to catch him, but he might as well try. (He has his pride dammit!)

Nakamori suddenly felt cold on the back of his neck - did someone leave the window open? He yawns, and props his head up on his hand, leaning on his desk as his assistant rattle off the recent news about KID, but doesn't pay attention to him, feeling overwhelmingly tired. (Why was he this tired?) His elbow slips and his head hits the table, and he falls asleep there, snoring peacefully before he disappeared. The entire task force stares in shock at the now empty desk, before they felt and thought about nothing.


"Ran!" Conan said, sitting up sharply, eyes wide in panic. He looks around quickly, relief washing over him when he saw Ran laying down next to him. Ran was safe, just sleeping soundly, he told himself, watching the rise and fall of her stomach for a moment before turning his attention elsewhere. They were in...a theater? How the hell did he get here? Then he notices the amount of other people laying down on the floor next to them. There was a stage at the front of the room, with a bunch of stair-stacked seats placed in front of the stage. A large white sheet hung from a metal bar, and an image being projected onto it. Conan frowned. What does "Watching The Show: Magic Kaito 1412!" mean? Conan looked at his watch - 8:30 am - it had only been a few minutes. Conan looks around the room again (how the hell were this many unconscious people transported to one area so quickly?), just noticing a large table set with a very large amount of food, along with multiple tanks of water and a small selection of beer and wine near the very end of the table.

"Oh! You're awake!" A cheerful voice said, startling Conan. He frowned, looking at her. A young girl - around her teens - floated in front of him. Conan rubbed his eyes, chancing a look back. Yep, still floating. He narrowed his eyes - there had to be some trick, something! There was no way she was actually floating. The girl laughed, walking closer to him. "Stop thinking so hard, meitantei! Is it really so hard to believe that I'm floating? - Right, you're a detective. Get ready for your mind to be broken, Shin-chan, because magic does exist!" Shin-chan? Wait ... does she know? What the hell is going on here?

"I'll explain once everyone wakes up, actually, scratch that - let's wake them up right now. I'm getting a bit impatient." The girl laughs again, practically buzzing with energy as she waved her hand. Conan blinked at her, choosing to ignore whether or not she knew his identity (denial, his old friend) in favor of puzzling out who the hell she was and what she was doing. Then everyone woke up at once, and Conan yells, startled.

"Conan-kun..?" Ran mutters groggily, sitting up. Conan smiles at her, composing himself.

"Ran-neechan! You're okay!" He said, sounding relieved. Ran smiles at him, pulling him into a hug. He doesn't protest.


The first thing Kaito sees when he wakes up is a girl's face. Kaito instinctively propels himself backwards, putting distance between him and the strange girl. "What the hell!" Kaito yells at her, standing up quickly. The girl laughs. Then he notices Akako running toward the girl, yelling about magic and how she couldn't use hers. The girl just continues laughing in the air. Is she a witch too? Hakuba just watches the spectacle with wide eyes, muttering to himself. Conan and his neechan just sit there quietly. Then Nakamori-keibu stands up.

"Everyone quiet down!" He commands, and everyone does, getting everyone's attention. He addresses the floating girl. "What the hell is going on? Who are you, and how are you floating?" The girl just laughs again.

"Okie! Everyone's awake now, so now I can explain!" She says cheerfully. "My name is Jae, and I brought you all here so you can watch a show! It shows the past, and you're all here because I recently watched the show myself. I wanted to see y'all's reaction to it, but then I looked it up and the internet had nothing! Nothing, I say! So now I'm stuck having to do it myself all for the sake of shits and giggles. All this is true, by the way! Completely, 100% true! It also reveals some fun secrets!" Kaito noticed how Conan flinched, and wondered. He also wondered if his own secret would be exposed - it seems more likely than not, judging by the title on the projector. "So, food and drinks are over there - it's a 24 episode anime, so you'll be staying here for a while. The bathrooms are down the hall. Now, everyone grab something to eat or drink if you must, and then sit down! Once everyone's seated the show will begin! If you want to comment, the show will stop and wait for you to finish if you speak loud enough. " She pauses. "I'm floating because of magic. It exists." Then she claps, and disappears into thin air.

Everyone stares, before either breaking down, following her instructions, or just clustering together to chat. Kaito just stands there in a sort of shock, before shaking his head. He decides to see who is here. The obvious - Nakamori-keibu, who is at the food stand getting a mug of coffee and a small roll. Then Hakuba (eugh) and Akako (why?), both of which had gone to sit down in the stands. Hakuba was having a crisis, while Akako was stewing in her rage (why was she so angry?). He notices Aoko and Keiko, who had also gone to sit down. They were chattering excitedly, not fazed at all by any of the most recent happenings. Then there was Conan and his neechan (Mouri Ran, was it?) who were standing there, talking quietly. Conan then went to go sit down while Mouri headed over to the stand, picking up two cups (probably getting the two of them beverages). Suzuki was running over to Mouri, and Jirokichi (why the hell was that old man here?) who had sat down. Jii and Mom were hung around, chatting for a bit before sitting down too. Kaito went up to the table, and grabbed himself a handful of hard candies, and went to go sit down next to Aoko. Everyone else went and sat down, Conan receiving his cup of juice. Then the lights shut off and the projector started rolling.

(Updates will happen twice a week, over the weekend)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2020 ⏰

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