Chapter 7

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||A/N: Okay so here's the last chapter to Vendetta movie. There is gonna be an upcoming Epilogue which I will write/post tomorrow, might be slightly smaller than this chapter but after that, I'll be taking a short break due to wanting to check out the Disney Plus my mom and I are getting in a few days so my Chris x Reader series might be a little later than I told...sorry guys I wanna check it all out! But anyway! Enjoy this chapter!!||

Back on the roof the battle between you, Leon and Arais continued. Even though your body was screaming for you to relax you knew you couldn't. Neither of you was gonna give up until this bastard was dead.

Avoiding his attacks the best you both could Leon ended up getting in Arais's grasp and you were kicked nearly over the edge of the building yourself. Gripping the edge with one hand you panted quickly as you gazed down...would've been a long way down.

"(Y/N!!) Leon shouts scared that he couldn't see you but quickly was focused on the mutated Arais where he was trapped in his hands.

'Holy shit...' You thought.

Despite broken glass being stabbed into your hand, you didn't let go as you reached up in an attempt to climb back up. Only to slip halfway but find yourself landing on the BSAA aircraft.

"Heh, nice catch." You commented.
"No problem, can't have our favourite ace die now can we?" DC asked over the coms.

Back up on the roof Arais raised Leon in his line of sight and with his free hand forced his nails to grow longer, slowly moving them towards Leon's neck. Leon though wasn't afraid to look the bastard in the eyes with a glare.

"I'm going to spill your guts all over," Arias tells him.
"NOT IF I CAN HELP IT!!" You shouted.

Just then the BSAA aircraft flew up just in time as you gripped the edge to keep balance, Nadia shot at Arais forcing him to let go of Leon, apparently, Arais screamed for his friend who fused with him and jumped on the side of the aircraft just as you jumped to the roof.

As he forced his mutated nails to grow to get a better grip on the aircraft Leon had helped you on the roof before quickly heading for the bike, turning it on and driving it halfway off the roof before jumping off landing at your side and later getting to his feet shooting at it once it stuck on Arais.

This ended up having him use his other hand to grab onto the building, however, Chris showed up and used another type of gun completely taking him out ending this fight, later he had given Rebbeca the cure and when his watched beeped and she was fine both you and Chris who had walked to her quickly sighed in relief that she'd be okay.

Leon walked over to your side placing his hand on your hip, smiling at him you sighed and flinched a bit when you rolled your shoulders...ahh the jobs never get easier. Moving a hand to hold your side you then rested your head on Leon's shoulder.

"We still have to cure the rest of the people." You informed them.
"Yeah, I'll need help putting all of it on board," Chris says.
"No worries I'll help out." You nodded.
"Same here," Leon adds in.

Smiling at one another as Chris went ahead to help Rebbeca on the aircraft after it landed, you and Leon left where Chris had soon told you two where the rest of the cure was. It took a bit to place enough of it on board before you all got on afterwards and the aircraft took to the skies.

Sighing you sat down finally able to relax, Kuga at your feet laying down rather quickly falling asleep. Leon sitting beside you and Chris and Rebbeca was on the other side just a few seats away though, feeling tired you began to nod off and soon your head rolled to rest on Leon's shoulder.

'When I was a kid...I never thought my life would turn out this way. But some parts, it is for the best, if it didn't I might not have met (Y/N)...I'm just grateful we've sorted the misunderstanding out...however I'm not sure where we stand although I know that's a conversation just between the two of us.' Leon thought.

"And once again we find ourselves back where we started," Rebbeca speaks up.
"What do you mean?" Chris asked.
"We got the bad guys, hope we made the world a little safer," Rebbeca replied.
At this point all Chris could do was slightly nod his head, the job demanded a lot and the unknown if they made a difference was always up in the air...never to be answered at all.
"Hey, Chris!" Leon speaks up.
"Yeah?" Chris asked.
"How much longer can we keep going on like this?" Leon asked.
"I don't know. I never make plans that far ahead." Chris replies saying what Leon said before.

Leon just smiled and shook his head, the others did as well laughing a bit but as silent, as they could so you could catch up on some sleep before they'd have to wake you up when you all arrived at the base. Leon though gazed at you with gentle eyes before nuzzling his face to your hair, pressing a kiss to your head.

'There is one thing I know that will never change, (Y/N) and I might have jobs that endlessly fight bio-terror...but the feelings we have for one another never faltered despite all we've been through, one thing for sure I'll never let her go again.' Leon thinks.

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