chapter 5

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 Rampage walks through the halls of the Decepticon Capital of Kaon " Commander Rampage Lord Megatron has requested your presence in the throne room " A Decpeticon soldier said to him " Very well" Rampage said as he makes his way to the throne room.

Once in the Throne room Rampage bowed briefly and then rose " You summoned me Lord Megatron " Rampage said " Yes commander " Megatron said as he walks towards him 

" Are forces are rooting out the remaining Autobots forces " Megatron said to him " You wish for me to lead our forces to slaughter the last Remaining Autobots traitors My Lord ?" Rampage asked the Decepticon  leader " No I have a much different mission for you commander " Megatron said to.

The Two Decepticons walk towards some monitors " Are scanners show that these worlds have very similarity's with one another" Megatron said to his soldier  " These worlds have so called 'Heroes' that can be problematic to our plans Go and take of them " Megatron Said to his new soldier.

" As you wish my Lord" Rampage said as he left to go do his mission. 

New York 

A Portal opens up over an office building Rampage walks through the portal. Rampage scans the Area to see where his targets are He looks through his scanners to see. " Hmm nothing" Rampage said as he activated his thrusters on his jet wings and flew high above the city as he flew he heard Sirens from a distance. Rampage used his scanners to track the source of the sound as he flew towards it he noticed something on his scanners it looked human but it was wearing red and blue and was swinging through  the air on some kind of web "perfect" Rampage said.

Peter Parker other wise known as spider man was swinging through the city after getting his new suit from Tony stark it has been helpful for him to fight crime through out the city  much easier but little did he know that this night was different as he neared the source of the sirens he could also here the sounds of jets coming towards he turned his head   and his hit by something that causes him to land in the middle of the street.

" Ah man that's gonna leave a mark" Peter says as he gets up " Hey spider man you alright " Some man asks as he gets out of his car " Yeah I'm fine" Spider man says as he gets up as he did a large armored figure landed in front of him " whoa your a big guy" Spider man says only for the armored figure draw to glowing blades from the sides of each arm " Okay then" Spider man says as he shots two shots of webbing at the figure only for the webbing to burn into ash when they came in contact with the blades " Okay plan b" Peter says as he shots his web at a building just as he left the ground the armored figure used it's thrusters to blind side spider man and grabbed him by the neck and slams him into the ground making a large hole into the ground " Uh" Was alt that spider man could say.

The armored figures  lands on spider man with a hard thud the impact form the landing cracked some of his ribs. Under the mask peter parker grinds his teeth in pain he looks through the mask to see the figure grab him by the face and throw him into a car making a giant dent in the side Already in pain spider man uses what strengths he has to stand up As he does many people gather around to see the fight some with video phones recording the fight.

Spider man see's a fire hydrant and shoots his webs and using what strength he had to pull it off the ground and throw it at the armored figure grabs it before it could him and crushes it like it was a soda can " Well that didn't work" spider man says. 

The armored figure turns his right arm into some kind of gun and shots a sound wave that send spider man flying into a building making a dent in it. Spider man was wounded having not seen this armored figured before was a challenge.

Spider was grabbed by the neck again and tossed into the street as he splashed in the water from the hydrant blood from his mouth mixed with  the water he lifted his head to see the armored figure walking towards him as he approached he saw the same blade from earlier come from the left arm and then he placed his heavy metal foot on  spidermans chest cracking the ribs more 

" You know " the figure says getting spidermans attention " I was sent here to get rid of you so called 'heroes' because you could prove to be a problem but looks like that's not the case with you and I Expected a challenge" The armored figure as he slowly push the blade into spiderman's chest. Spiderman feels the pain of the blade as it go's into his chest finally he couldn't take it anymore and let's out a scream of pain one that could be heard for miles " Ahh trying to scream hoping that your mommy and daddy will save you well guess what they abandon you just like how many family abandoned me " The figure says as the blade strarted up like a chainsaw this caused him to scream and louder until he was silenced as the blade went through his chest and exited his from the shoulder many of the people some who were children watched in Horror as there hero Spiderman was killed in front of them.

The armored figure walked away but then turned around to look at the dead hero " Names Rampage " Rampage said as he activated his thrusters and flew into the air. On Cybertron Megatron watched the whole fight from laser beak who was sent to monitor the rampage's mission. after watching the fight a dark smiled appeared across his face  " It appear's that ridding these worlds of these hero's would be much easier then I thought" Megatron said as he walks towards the portal to meet with rampage about his mission.

(Sorry if I hadn't updated this story in a while but here's a new chapter so let me know what you think) 

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