Dark Desire prt.1

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The next few days were miserable for Vaggie. As she walked the halls of the hotel she wore a more somber expression than usual when no one was around. Nobody else seemed to notice her plight accept for Alastor. He only knew because he was the cause of it, and he enjoyed every second of it. The fear in her eyes when they'd share a glance causing the overlord to lick his lips in hunger, which made the younger demoness turn away in disgust. How she held her arms disheartedly as she walked around like a lost lamb with nowhere to go. It was the perfect description of the moth Latina.

A lost little lamb wandering around aimlessly just to ease her sorrows while in the sights of a hungry wolf, waiting to devour her whole. Her days went on like this on the regular; feigning normalcy with small smiles and the usual banter with their patrons. She would power through while fighting to ignore the growing knot in her stomach every time she looked at Charlie. Every time she saw that sweet pale face light up and smile she'd be reminded of how despicable she was, she loved her girlfriend so much and here she was engaged in a loathsome affair with the fucking Radio Demon. She knew it was wrong-Lucifer she knew it was! It was so wrong on so many levels but she couldn't help herself. Whenever he caught her alone she'd find herself in his arms as he ravaged her body like an animal throwing her into pure euphoria.

It infuriated her how he could make her feel that way when she felt nothing for the bastard romantically or even platonically, hell she hated him! It wasn't fair Vaggie just wanted things to go back to normal, however Alastor would never let that happen.

After the long days of battling her guilt when with friends and losing out to her sex drive when with Alastor Vaggie would retire to bed early sometimes without dinner, just to go back to her room to cry away her woes. The self-loathing, the guilt, the shame would all spill out into her pillow as she prayed to whoever would listen to make this entire situation end. She would always make sure that Charlie didn't catch her crying or else she'd ask questions. This was the routine for nearly a week and she didn't know how to stop it.

Vaggie sat up in Alastor's bed with the covers pulled over her naked body, fretting over everything. Once again she had performed the forbidden act with the monster of chaos, and was regretting it horribly. The red haired demon laid next to her with his elbow propped up on his pillow, and his cheek resting on his fist as he smiled in seductive amusement at the distraught Latina. Alastor just adored bringing such mixed feelings to his little pet. He loved making her internally suffer with grief over what they'd shared together. He knew deep down she enjoyed it yet she always fought it and denied it in the end. It didn't matter to him though he'd break her eventually and when he did this sad little dream of Charlie's would end in ruin. The demon reached over and took hold of his pet's hand and placed a delicate kiss upon it startling the moth as she snapped her head toward the sudden action. "What seems to be the problem my dear?" He asked making Vaggie glare at him. He knew damn well what the 'problem' was. "Why me of everyone in this damn hotel--of everyone in Hell--? Why did you chose to go after me?" She asked barely whispering as she clenched the comforter with her other hand.

Alastor smirked then rose to a sitting position on the bed as he kept his gentle hold on Vaggie's hand. He then placed his other hand on top of his demoness' chuckling before answering her question. "Because my dear you fascinate me. I enjoy watching you become undone by my touch." The moth's glare deepened as she analyzed the deer's words. "In other words I'm just entertainment to you." She clarified bitterly causing the demon to learn over and kiss his bedmate on the temple. While still grasping her hand he snaked his other arm around Vaggie's waist then pulled her to his side cuddling her closely. "Oh darling you are quite hard to get despite being so easy to pleasure. I enjoy the challenge." He then started humming contently as he began running his fingers through her silky soft white hair. "Bastard!" She said before she situated herself away from the deer.

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