Darkest Desire prt.2

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Alastor walked into his the new office on the top floor of the hotel with a wide eternal grin. After becoming their sponser Charlie gave him his own office to conduct his own business-related affairs in private. He informed the staff that he was going to fill out some paperwork though in truth he just wanted some alone time to think about his next game with Vaggie. He sighed as he sifted through papers pretending to work but his mind just kept returning to the moth demoness. He shuddered in delight at the thought of taking her again he imagined her flushed face and that far off gaze she'd have when he'd bring her to orgasm. He could vividly feel her hot grey skin against his own covered in bloody scratches from the sides of her torso to her hips courtesy of his passion. Alastor could feel his length harden just thinking about his darling pet.

Red tipped claws ran through his hair as he let out a shaky breath. He slowly reached down to unbutton his trousers to relieve himself of this burning arousal. "God I fear I'm becoming addicted to her." He said under his unsteady breath while he stroked himself off. It was so strange never before had he ever felt the urge to do anything like this with anyone. Alastor wasn't even inclined to go as far as he did with the moth woman the first time. Her blood was just so intoxicating and just seeing her so aroused and dazed made his body stir with need. He couldn't explain entirely what came over him. All he knew was that he needed her that night and every night since. "*sigh* Ms. Vagatha *huff*-- what have you done to me...a-ah!" His release came suddenly leaving him exhausted and sweaty. As he looked down at his dirtied hand he wondered what would happen once he got what he wanted when he brought the Hazbin Hotel to an end, would he continue perusing his pet or just leave her to her misery. As of now he couldn't stop thinking about her she excited him, challenged him, made him feel complete. He brought out a hankerchief to wiped away his fluids as he continued contemplating his motives wondering just how far he was willing to take this. Just as he was folding his handkerchief a knock was heard at his door.

"Come in!" He called out as he put the cloth away into a drawer. The door opened and in strode a very serious looking Charlie. It was a little strange to see such a stoic expression on the usually chipper girl. "Charlie my dear what can I help you with?" He asked smiling happily at the young royal. "We need to have a talk." And talk they did.

Meanwhile Vaggie and Angel Dust were still in the kitchen a heavy silence looming over them as Angel digested what Vaggie told him. She spilled everything what she'd done with their infamous sponsor and how guilty she felt, it was a lot. The slutty spider couldn't blame her entirely as far as he understood resisting a hot fuck with a sexy overlord like Alastor was next to impossible, but somehow he felt that understanding wasn't what Vaggie needed right now. She needed someone to vent to and give her the strength to put an end to the problem. There was also the matter of coming clean to the one person who was probably gonna hurt more than the moth woman did now. "Are you ever gonna tell Charlie?" He asked Vaggie's eyes widened in realization. Would she tell her? She couldn't it would devastate the poor princess. She could never do that to the one person she loved the most. "I-I don't know." She answered. "I know I'll have to but...I just...I don't want to hurt her. Right now I just want to focus on ending this mess with Alastor first." She finished honestly. "Well you betta' figure it out cuz ya girl maybe naive but she'll notice something is wrong sooner or later." Angel said. Vaggie nodded knowing he was right. She had to tell Charlie the truth and now was better than later.

The Latina got up from her spot on the counter and walked toward the kitchen door to leave. "Thanks for listening I honestly thought you were gonna start judging me." She said. "Babe I ain't one to judge no one bout their sex lives. B'sides the bastard's basically tricking you into it, if he's gotta coers you then it ain't right." He said with a shrug. Vaggie gave a half smile before she pushed open the door. Before she left Angel called out. "Aye and don't worry, I won't tell nobody!" He said. The moth demoness nodded her head thankfully before leaving the kitchen. Once she was gone Angel sighed deeply with hand running through his bangs. "Jesus this turning into a fucking drama." He said to himself. The only coherent analysis his mind could unironically process was one thing. 'Sex must be incredible if she can't ever say no.'


Vaggie walked the halls of the hotel like always this time however, she had purpose in her steps she was looking for Charlie. She needed see her just to take her mind off of everything for a bit. Angel Dust was right she had to tell her girlfriend the truth at some point. Lucifer forbid she found out from Alastor. The hunting moth demoness vowed to tell her girlfriend the whole truth once she ended Alastor's little charade but for now she just needed some time with her Charlie, to hold her, to just be with her real love, to feel her comforting embrace before telling the radio-shit lord to fuck off. Vaggie looked around aimlessly but still found no sign of the blonde. "Where is she?" Said the moth as she looked around. "Hi!" Vaggie jumped at the sudden high-pitched greeting only to find that it was just Niffty. "Damn it don't scare me like that!" She growled. The little Cyclops just smiled up to the Latina then asked innocently. "Are you looking for Alastor?" That question made the moth tense up. "Why would I be looking for him?" She crossed her arms passively but internally hoped that the little bug didn't know about their affair. "Charlie said she wanted to talk to him about you so she went to see him." Vaggie's eyes widened at that statement. "Since the talk is about you I assumed you'd be looking for him." This explanation still confused the goth. "And why would I be looking for Alastor?" She questioned. "So that he won't become Charlie's new best friends, but I think he already is." Vaggie stared at the innocent little demoness shocked by her naive deduction of the situation. 'Dear Christ she's too pure to get involved in this.' She thought as she observed the sweet unwavering smile of the tiny bug-like cyclops. "Uuuh...sure. Okay, where exactly are they?" She asked.

"They're in Alastor's office." She said cheerfully. Vaggie nodded before turning to head for the elevator. "Thanks I'll go talk to them." She said feeling her stomach drop into a deep pit as she wondered what the demon was telling her girlfriend. She power walked away as Niffty waved after her happy to have helped her in her search. "Bye and don't worry it's okay to have more than one best friend!" She called out.

Vaggie didn't respond she just pressed the button and anxiously waited for the door to open. As she made her way to the top floor of the hotel she fidgeted nervously tapping her finger against her arm impatiently. What if Alastor revealed everything to Charlie? What if he destroys their relationship? Or worse what if he does to Charlie what he did to her? A frustrated growl escaped her as she fought the disgusting images trying to make their way into her mind. She didn't even want to imagine something so despicable. "Damn it!" She silently said to herself in distress. The elevator dinged before opening prompting Vaggie to basically run out toward the office.

She wasn't certain if they were still inside until she heard voices coming from behind Alastor's office door a large red wooden door standing out among the many others down both sides of the hall. It gave off a foreboding aura as it was Alastor's domain and hardly anyone went in unless it was necessary. At this moment it was necessary, she needed to know what the two were discussing. Without knocking Vaggie stormed into the office looking to the two demons who noticed her burst of rudeness. Alastor grinned widely at the moth looking smug and triumphant as though he had some sort of upper hand on her. Charlie's expression however was unreadable. She had her arms crossed in a form of vexed posture. An awkward silence fell upon the room making Vaggie fear the worst. "Ch-Charlie..." The Latina got out but the princess cut her off as she full turned her body to face her. "Alastor already told me everything." Vaggie's heart sunk at that statement as her eyes widened and her pupils shrunk with fear.

Her afterlife was over.

To Be Continued...

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