Chapter 2

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The next week, Astha decided enough was enough. She stopped caring that Sneha wasn't speaking to her. Instead, she decided to use another tactic- " Killing them with Kindness". She helped her with her notes in class, gave her; her extra pen with a pen eraser on top. She even allowed her to sit with her group during lunch, even though she never contributed much in the group except her presence. 

Astha had thought maybe her kindness will make her realise what a great person she is and Sneha will die to be her friend. Sneha reacted alarmingly different from what Astha had thought. Instead of thanking her, Sneha would just ignore the random acts of kindness and not even thank her for them. Astha realised Sneha really needed help, both in her social skills and also in her notes because like her bad observational skills, she was also very bad at taking notes. 

Though her plan failed, Astha continued helping Sneha with her notes and making sure that they have lunch together for the whole week.

The third week began with no change and Astha was considerably miserable when it came around. She decided it was time to use the last resort- her mother's cooking. She forced her mother to make her the most amazing food- her famous bhindi, aalu and rajma especially for her. Her mother, quite surprised by this turn thought probably it was the stress of the new grade that was making her daughter suddenly crave for comfort food.

How wrong was she! How would she have reacted had she found out it was actually to impress a girl! 

During lunch breaks, Astha made sure that she shared her food only with Sneha. Through all of which, Sneha impervious to the extra effort being put for her classmate just continued taking the kindness without any reciprocation from her own.

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