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"Everyone is a Moon and has dark side, which will never show to anyone"

Hungary, 28th March 1609
It was a sunny morning, unlike some previous mornings where in the silence of dawn I could hear the raindrops falling on the ground.
I opened my eyes to the dazzling light that penetrated from the large balcony in my room.
I was almost amazed by the view I could see from that window ... I got up slowly walking outside, watching people move quickly ... almost nervously. They looked so small from where I was. I wondered if there was any news, they were strangely too nervous ...
While I was lost in my thoughts from a distance I saw a black carriage running at high speeds towards the palace and as magic, all the people in motion stopped at the sight of the woman who came out from this big carriage.
She had her hair tied up in a bun, a long black dress and in some places gold colored that lit up her pale face.
She took slowly steps towards the palace, smiling, as the servants stood at the sides to let the passage free.
But ... suddenly she stopped, I saw her head bending slightly upwards and our looks collided, almost as if she had sensed my attentive look on her.
I instinctively took some steps back, hiding myself from her eyes, but from where I stood I was still able to see her smile in my direction, almost as if she was amused by my reaction.
Who was this woman?
I was brushing my hair sitting, looking at myself in the mirror, almost absent, trying to analyze that woman.
I was convinced that I had never seen her, I would surely remember a woman so ... fascinating and mysterious.
Suddenly someone knocked at the door of my room making me jump and return to reality.
"Yes?" I asked, trying to hide the breathlessness due to fright.
The door slowly opened and I saw a long black dress make its way to the door.
I immediately recognized that dress and jumped up as soon as I saw it entering.
"Oh darling, there's no need for so many ceremonies" She said in a soft but very authoritative voice.
I was stuck at the source of this powerful woman who slowly, with small silent steps, interrupted only by the sound of her heels on the wooden floor, she approached to me dangerously.
"I am the Countess Elizabeth Bathory" She said, smiling fully with a proud voice, almost as if her title made her feel more powerful than she already seemed.
I could not help looking at her and being curious about this character whose name frightened the citizens, so I slowly smiled and took other steps in her direction.
"I'm Anna Darvulia" I said
She smiled at me removing a lock of hair from my face and moving it behind my ear.
"You were watching me" She said in amusement
I didn't expect this sentence so I faltered for a moment and it was when I heard her giggle that I woke up from my state of trans.
"I had seen your carriage arrive and I was curious ..." I answered looking straight into her eyes and at that moment I understood why people were so scared of her, she literally had the flames from hell burning in her eyes.
"Am I interesting enough for your curiosity, Miss Darvulia?" She took more steps towards me and I was fascinated by the way her dress rocked with her movements.
This time I didn't know what to answer, I just nodded slightly, raising my look to the taller woman.
"Oh, so you find me interesting?" She smiled, this time her smile hid something deeper and more haunting I would say.
"I-I ... umh ..." I stammered
I heard her laugh deeply and felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment.
"Crimson looks perfect on you, darling" She touched my cheek gently with her palm.
I was enchanted by the woman in front of me, this countess was an enchantress.
I closed my eyes slowly as if by instinct.
"And the black looks perfect on you" I whispered almost shocked that those words came from me.
I opened my eyes slowly and her response was a big smile that made my knees tremble violently.
Suddenly the sensation of heat on my cheek disappeared, leaving little residue of sparks caused by her touch.
"I'm here to make you a proposal, my dear," She told me, sitting down slowly on the edge of my bed.
I turned to her, giving her an invitation to continue talking.
"I need a consultant, will you come with me to my castle in Čachtice? They said me you are a really talented and thirsty for knowledge"
I looked at her in amazement, quite surprised by her request.
"Well ... I ... I think so. I mean ... nothing interesting happens here" I said, smiling slightly, gaining a satisfied smile.
"Perfect then, we'll leave tomorrow at dawn!" She exclaimed excitedly "We will have a long way to go, the journey is long, my dear." She rose gently from the bed, winking at me.
On that moment I realized that I was staring at her, perhaps too much.
I noticed that I was lost in my thoughts when I felt her breath on my face, she was really a few inches away from my face.
Her scent was intoxicating me I was literally stuck.
My mind traveled too fast in still unexplored worlds.
"Dear" Her voice, in a whisper woke me up, her face was adorned with a strange little smirk.
"Yes ... Sure, at dawn," I said, trying to look calm because of the closeness.
"Are you afraid of me..?" She asked me after a moment of hesitation
"No" I said too quickly making her frown "I meant ... no Countess, I'm not afraid of you"
She smiled playing with the laces of my corset.
"You know dear, I don't mind instilling fear in people. Their fear makes me get more authority" She said lowering her voice by a few octaves
My breath stopped for a few seconds, she noticed this pause perfectly and held laces of my corset more.
"I have always hated these tools, they hold our breath or ... Is there something wrong, dear?" She was delving into that smirk, she knew exactly what she was doing and I couldn't help but follow her game, I wouldn't have managed to avoid it anyway, it was too overwhelming.
"It's just very ... hot here" I answered with a whisper
"Then maybe you should take it off." She smiled again, looking straight at me.
I opened my mouth in shock and I didn't have time to formulate an answer that the Countess took steps towards the door laughing.
"Punctual, my dear" She winked at me again as she walked outside.
I remained in the same position, standing, almost as if stuck, for whole minutes, until the sound of her heels on the floor did not disappear completely and was replaced by the more grave silence.
I could still see the night sky from my large balcony, unlike other mornings. It would have been my last awakening in that big room that over time has become my prison. I was excited to finally see new places, and perhaps I was more excited about the person who would accompany me on this new path.
From the previous day I could not help thinking of that charming woman, she had literally enchanted me, she was different, this made her scary but at the same time wonderful.
I quietly opened the large doors of my room, walking outward.
It was still too dark to distinguish the rooms, but a single light came from the candles placed on the furniture in the corridor I was walking along.
I opened the big doors of the palace and I looked around, it was quite cold and there was fog.
Suddenly I felt a cold hand take my wrist gently, pulling me towards, what I could scrub through the fog, like a carriage.
"It's cold this morning, don't you think, my dear?"
I looked up and finally managed to make out the hand that gently led me to the carriage.
Immediately I began to feel that sensation of heat, despite the cold and her almost cadaverous cold hands, her touch caused me a strange sensation of heat.
I smiled slightly and sat down in front of her, looking around in wonder.
"Do you like it?" She asked me watching my moves
"It's simply beautiful," I said, touching some motifs on the door with my fingers.
I could feel her eyes on me and burned like fire.
Suddenly she slipped to my side touching my hand on the door with hers.
I turned instinctively curious in her direction and our looks met again.
I turned slowly around and she fell slightly on me, her hand slowly connected to mine and smiled at me.
"Three hours of travel are waiting for us, darling, make yourself comfortable" She said, still holding my hand with hers.
I leaned my head lightly on the armchair, forcing it.
We were in silence, just looking at each other for a few minutes until the carriage stopped suddenly, she jumped.
"What was that?" She stood up slightly, adjusting her dress
"I apologize Countess ... the road is unsafe" The coachman said from the outside.
At that moment her gaze changed, it was more ... fierce.
I saw her squint and take several deep breaths before seeing again that smile appearing on her blood-red lips.
She turned in my direction, sitting in front of me again, almost as if she wanted to study me.
I felt her gaze on me all the way, she had memorized every single detail of me, She was a very careful and observant woman but the way she looked at me had a special effect on me.
Slowly my eyelids were getting heavy, the last thing I remember was the sight of a small village and then ... dark.

So hello everyone that's my first story, I hope you'll like it.
Let me know if you'll find some mistakes, English isn't my first language :).
Love you all.

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