2nd meeting is a charm.

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(Cody to the side)

Cody's POV.*

"Now, You two know how to act. . . I hope, Okay! Go." Clara says and smiles at us, "Oh!" She says and pulls me back twords her. "Your tie is not looking right Code. You always have a problem. Okay, Now you can go. . . Maybe."

"Nope, Nevermind! Come here Austin." She growls grabbing my brother and fixing his hair, "Good. Now if either of you find your mate, And you know the possibility of you both having the same mate right? Okay, So do not panic! Okay, Go before I find something worng with your outfits!"

We dart out of her room and twords the pack's house. We are staying at some random place our father took us to. "Bro, Yeah. I'm on my way now! What am I gonna do if I find my mate? Dude, Imma fuck her till she can't stand." Austin says to I am guessing Blake. 

"Hey Austin-" I say going to warn him about the pole he is gonna walk into, To late. "There was a pole there." I say to him... 

"Hi, I'm Megan." A blonde walks over to us, "Spelt M-E-A-G-H-I-N. So do not mess up the spelling or I will cut you okay?1" She says like a crazy person. "Yeah, Yeah Miranda." Austin says shoving her out of his way. "BITCH I WILL CUT YOUR FAMILY, I WILL CUT YOUR MOTHER, YOUR FATHER YOUR MATE AND YOUR LOVED ONES! I WILL CUT ALL OF YOU!" She screams at Austin. I laugh and walk on as he turns around.

"You got this all wrong, I will cut your little slutty face with a toothpick before you can even touch you Miley." He says and walks up beside me.

I hear the most beautiful laughter I have ever heard when the door is opened. I see a girl fall onto teh floor. The girl is a blonde who is laying beside of my mate, "I hear them say things to eachother before some guy comes and goes to reach for my mate. I give him Iro Daggers, And he slowly backs up. "I'm so fucking wasted." I hear my mate say nefore she passes out.

"So, You found your mate yet?" Austin asks me, "Yeah... How about you?" I ask him walking forward to my mate. "Kitty, You dead." The girl pokes her cheek and busts out laughing. "Tiger. Stop." The guy says grabbing her hand. "No! Don't you be touching my Ki..." She falls ontop of Austin.

"Tty whoever you are..." And she passes out.

Yeah. Go us, We made some random girl pass out... Eh, It is normal.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2014 ⏰

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