Chapter - 8

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Sorry for not updating yesterday.. I was quite busy

Ignore the mistakes


"Taehyung!!! Taehyung wait" Jimin called him but it was too late... Taehyung already ran outside the castle

"You shouldn't have say that Yoongi... It wasn't his fault but it was him who helped me and talked to jungkook... And he is the one because of whom jungkook apologized to me" With that jimin ran to jungkook

"How do you know? "

"Don't act like you don't know jungkook.. "  Jimin said and ran towards jungkooks room. He saw him sitting on the bed doing something on his phone

"J-Jungkook?? " Jimin have no words to say about what happened

"Just leave... I dont wanna talk right now" Jungkook said and was about to leave but Jimin stopped him

"Jungkook...taehyung ran our of the castle" Jungkook stood up with shocked face and looked at Jimin

"H-He apologized and ran outside the castle.....he was crying " Jimin's head hung low

"THIS IS WHAT YOU GUYS WANTED RIGHT??? ARE YOU FUCKING HAPPY NOW?? DON'T YOU KNOW THIS FOREST IS DANGEROUS?" Jungkook started to yell at Jimin who flinched a little but didn't say anything

"Jungkook there's no time to yell... You should go and find Taehyung.. " Hoseok came in with suga who looks completely guilty for what he said

"YOU DON'T HAVE TO TELL ME WHAT I SHOULD DO AND WHAT I SHOULDN'T" with that Jungkook ran out of the castle to find taehyung at night



I really felt like a trash right now.. Why am I like this... Why no one loves me...

I was crying so much which is why my eyes are getting blurry... I wiped my eyes a little hashly ... When I suddenly realize i don't know where I am...everywhere is just trees and trees.... I'm lost

I was so scared but didn't stop walking... When suddenly I felt that I'm not alone here, I felt like someone is behind me so I turned around to look but no one was there.. I started to walk again but felt the footsteps even closer.. I turned around and saw someone standing behind me and looking at me with a confused look

"W-Who are you? " I started to get scared more when he slowly walks towards me

"Are you taehyung? " He asked when the forest light hits his face and now I completely can see him

"Are you taehyung? " He asked when the forest light hits his face and now I completely can see him

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(Myy babyyyy)

"Yes b-but how do you know me?? " I was a little bit confused because I never saw him before then how does he know my name

"Ohh yeah of course I do... I'm Jimin hyungs brother park seonghwa" He said with a sweet smile

"Ohh " I said giving him a smile back

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