New Years Eve

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Blair sat in her attic room at the Humphrey house, contemplating what on Earth she should wear to Katie's.

She hadn't seen Chuck since she had left his apartment in a daze the next morning but they had been texting each other almost constantly ever since. Blair had excitedly told Katie everything to which Katie had rightly said that Blair now owed her one, seeing as Katie had pushed her to go to his apartment. Blair smiled at the memory and walked to the wardrobe where the red dress from the night at the ball still hung. She had been meaning to return it to Dorota and thank her but some how she hadn't found the time. Plus she liked having it hang in her wardrobe, it reminded her of that magical night.

Looking at the other clothes that hung next to it Blair was convinced that she had nothing to wear. This would involve some sweet talking to try and convince Hannah to let her borrow something, unwillingly she exited the her room and walked down the stairs to Hannah's, knocking on the door she had a strong sense of déjà vu.

"Who is it?" Answered Hannah's voice from inside.

"Me..." There was a pause, "Blair..." She clarified. The door opened to reveal Hannah, yet again getting ready to go out.

Her roots were starting to show in her bleach blonde hair and her eyes were a similar panda shade that they always were nowadays. Hannah openly rolled her eyes at Blair standing in her doorway, "What do you want? I'm busy."

"I'm going to a New Years party, I need clothes and you have loads!" Blair quickly explained.

"You have clothes as well! A vintage Gucci, if I'm not mistaken..." Hannah said accusingly.

Blair frowned, "Have you been going through my stuff?!"

Hannah snorted, "I saw it on Gossip Girl, and don't pretend you don't know what it is. I saw you on there, in that dress. Also you and Chuck are together now?" The way she phrased it was less of a question and more of a statement.

"I-I don't know what you-erm-what do you-" Blair stuttered, she knew people had speculated she had met Chuck at the ball but there was no actual evidence that he had been there.

"You and him kissing. It's all over Gossip Girl, don't try to deny it." Hannah said, walking over to pick up her laptop.

Blair followed, dreading what she was going to be shown. Hannah brought up the Gossip Girl page and there, clearly, was a picture of Blair, eyes closed, hands wrapped around Chuck's neck, their lips pressed together. Her hair was blowing back in the wind, it would've looked a bit like a perfume advert if it wasn't taken on a shitty phone camera. Blair quickly skimmed the text underneath the image:

Spotted: A certain Blair Waldorf and Chuck Bass kissing in the snow. It's almost too cheesey to be real but here's the photographic evidence. Waldorf's fishing has landed her a Bass. Guess Chuck really was the reason she came back from the void of Brooklyn to go to the Bass Ball.

Sources say they entered Chuck's apartment together and neither one has been seen since...what do you think went down? It certainly wasn't just pillow fights...

We ship it, but be careful B. That fish is a slippery one.

You know you love me,

XOXO Gossip Girl.

Blair looked at Hannah once she had finished reading, speechless, she hadn't noticed anyone taking pictures of them while she was there, then again she had been slightly distracted...

"So is he like your boyfriend now or what?" Hannah asked. Not looking at Blair and closing her laptop.

Blair didn't know, was he? They had slept together but that didn't mean anything! "I don't know, I don't really know a lot about him..."

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