Stories that never end

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Title: No, I'm not bloody




There once was a girl who liked to kill, the girl would kill squirrels, and any pets that crossed her path. The people who lived there said her eyes would widen, her face would twist into a deadly smile. The animals would start to shake.
Then the people would close there eyes, they could here the content sigh, the giggling and the distant crunching of bones and squishing of the body.
And then she would be gone, running back to her house to smile and tell her parents of the killing.
The people wouldn't live next to them, their fear of getting killed by the insane family.

The girl was always smiley, happy all the time, happy. For what she did. She wasn't liked at school, she was always alone. Swinging on the swings while others walked past, whispering their whispers of bloody lies.

Until one day, the parents didn't come to work and the girl didn't enter the school. The people sighed in relief, not caring if they died. They just wanted them gone.
But the police couldn't help their jobs, they had to investigate when they had disappeared for a week
I don't think this is what they expected.
They expected hanged up body's of killed people
Blood splatters
Anything that would grant them access to information that could get that family in jail.
But they sure as hell didn't expect the child.
Blood covered, flaunting in the guts and blood of her parents.
You could see the dark blood oozing from the flesh that she consumed.

The smell of death was pungent, making the cops corner the noses, turning away in disgust. And she was on them in seconds, turning away was their first mistake.


The people noticed the disappearances, shying away, in pure fear, from the house. Some people even decided to take a "vacation" away from the town. If you still lived there, you strong-livered person, you would notice the screw s from your neighbors, the dealing that you were next. Though, you never were, she just liked to play around with feelings.

And when the people came back to see the mess, all they got was a blood covered town, and a cannibalistic child. They, of course, threw up upon entering the small town. The streets were strewn with tissue. It looked like a murder scene x100.
Bones and corpses were broken and bent at impossible ways, eyeballs were squished and looked like they were chewed on. The bones were cleaned if any blood, but obviously used for eating, and to be eaten.
Look, to skip the bloody, stench filled, picture, let's just say that nobody would ever want to be in the area ever again.

But sadly for them, that monster child had left, and the people outside of that area were already dead.


The girls name: Christy Jane
Backstory: her family was abusive, no matter how nice they may seem outside of the house. When she was first growing up in that mess of a house she had started to grow accustomed to violence, consequently, killing things for her parents approval, which, she did get, even if it was short lived. So she did it again and again and again. And that's how she got her love for blood.

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