Chapter 5 - The foundation and escaping

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Akira:*Screams* I SO SORRY! I was busy with god knows what and fan fictions of yugioh, attack on titan/shingeki no kyojin and hetalia (I love this too much) and HetaOni... I can never look at Tony and mansions the same way EVER again. And then theres high school, which I'm on holoidays for about the rest of the week.

Wanted to keep this cause it made me laugh a little.

Yugi: Oh... okay! ^_^ anyway Akira does not own yugioh or any of the characters but she does own her OC and the plot!

Akira: Yeah so here's chapter 5! Also I forgot to mention that satyriasis is a male being addicted to sex.


--------Jou's POV:--------


I can hear something... Dripping?


What is it thats dripping?

Drip... Drip...

As I open up my eyes I see Yugi, Ryou, Malik and Ryuji awake but they're looking at me, very frightened...

What are they so scared about? Are my flames out? Did my blood turn to its normal colour? or...

"Jou!" Ryou calls out. his voice sounds sore... "Are you okay? you're bleeding!"

What? bleeding?

Drip... Drip...

"I'm fine... Are you four okay? what's wrong?" I ask them hoping they're okay.

"Were okay, but where the hell ARE we?!" Otogi says.

"Don't tell me..." Akira starts. and I only JUST notice that were chained up.

Heba looks at Akira curiously. " What is it Aki?"

I look to them all and say " I have a feeling that were at The Foundation..."

Akiras eyes widen, and the rest of the hikaris look worried but cofused.

"W-whats T-the Foundation?" Yugi stutters, now falling scared.

I took the time to explain to them of what The foundation is: It's an experimentation facility that tends to take children of ages from being infants to 10-12 years old. The children will be raised to believe that they're sick and need to be healed, then as they go get experimented on and taught how to fight, how to make, use and cure poisons how to kill and many more.

As I was finishing up on what I was saying, A woman had walked into the room and look each of us over, Myself being last.

"Well hello again Katsuya-kun, Akira-chan." she says in a sickly sweet tone.

"What do you want?!" Akira yells with a rage that's beginning to grow.

"Nothing dear, we simply need to cure you of your sickness. It seems to heve spread and your friends have caught it." The woman replies somewhat convincingly.

Otogi was right behing her so he swept his legs accross and she fell. Akira had raised and brought down her leg on the womans head, killing her instantly.

"Oh my Ra..." Malik looked with wide eyes. "S-shes dead..."

"Yeah but it was either her or us." I say with a hard look in my eyes. My wrist was bleeding so I used my blood and broke the chains. Akira had caught on what I did and Followed my lead. We each had freed the rest of the hikaris and we ran. Akira annd I knew where we were going so I took the lead while Akira took the back as back up if anybody were to try and get the drop on us.

:/Lets just skip how they got out okay?\:

------3rd Person POV:--------

As the seven teens had escaped they had to travel far to Jou's secret mansion that was a pristine white colour with golden gates and the initials "KJA" on the gate. The mansion was bigger than Seto Kaiba's and on the opposite side of town from him. As Jou walked in to the door, an old man with white hair and a moustache (think of watari from death note) had appeared to the door.

"Ah young master Jou, Welcome home." The butler had said.

"Hello Ryuuk, can you arrange rooms for my cousins and sister? also, please prepare the medical room, I need to see what The Foundation has done to us." Jou said with a slight smile, glad to see the grandfather-figure butler.

"Yes yes, and please do take a nice hot shower to wash away your worries. And while I'm at it, I'll prepare a meal for you. You lot have been away for about a week, my guess from the travel to and from The Foundation." Ryuuk smiled.

"A week?" Yugi exclaims.

"It appears so..." Ryou says.

So with that all said and half an hour later the seven teens had arrived into the white room to have their blood tested and to their dissmay...



"What is it Jou-nii?" Akira asks.

"The bastards fused demonic animal DNA with ours!" Jou yelled still staring at the blue screen written with codes and words telling them what is wrong.

"WHAT?!" The six shouts.

Jou nods. "Heres how it goes: Heba and Yugi = Black loin

Malik = Mountain lion/ Panther

Jou = Wolf

Ryou = White tiger

Otogi = White fox

Akira = Black fox"

(remember since its demonic the animals that they can be can change their size from the kyuubi in Naruto to a chibi rabbit)

Heba fainted along with the others. Jou looked to them and put each of them in a bed that was prepared by Ryuuk.

As Jou had finished, he had gone to his bed, worried of school tomorrow and how this will change his already abnormal life.

'Father(Satan/Lucifer)... Mother(Anubis)... Please... Give the hikaris, Akira and I the strength to get through this...' Jou took that last thought and fell into the dark slumber that had his blue eyed, brown haired sectet love in there.

Little did he know, Lucifer and his queen, Anibis had heard and saw the whole thing and were out raged by the foolishness of the yamis (that includes Kaiba and Honda) and even more so than the twin whores that are each having an "pleasurable" time with the sennen twins (Tea with Yami and Anzu with Atem).

"They will pay!" Anubis yelled, his long dark green hair floating about as if he was in water. his emerald eyes shows rage and his face, although beautiful to anybody and usually disguised with the head of a jackal, showed anger and sorrow. His lightly tanned skin glowing a green and gold colour as his rage is growing.

"I know my love, but that will happen soon." Lucifer said trying to calm his love as his shadows were itching to cause pain to the ignorant yamis. Lucifer embraced his Queen in hopes to calm him and it does. "very soon..."

Lucifer had semi-long royal blue hair with blue eyes that held flecks of silver in them, his skin pale and looks as if it glows in the blood red moonlight of Gehenna.


Akira: Done! So not sorry with Anubis acting like an enraged woman. He IS the mother ;P

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