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Rebecca's Pov
I hate Mondays like I mean who doesn't here I am on my way to the cafeteria. I spent the rest of my weekend texting and calling Tyler. It's weird how he was avoiding me but still ends up talking to me the guy is like a complicated puzzle.

Two things that I learnt since I met Tyler is that he's stubborn and it's very annoying on my part since I've never met someone as stubborn as I am. The other thing is he has this huge wall up when it comes to people getting to know him.

I stop once I see Natalia and her  friends *cough* followers at the end of the hall. Natalia is your average spoiled brat that things she runs the school. And drum roll please she hates me, I don't know why but since the day I set foot in this school she has made it clear she doesn't like me.

Since the pass years she has done nothing but to make my life a living hell. She will try to illuminate me at every chance she gets, to tell you the truth my highschool life would be very boring without her. Plus I like to get on her nerves.

"Well if it isn't Rebecca"She says. "What do you want Natalia?"I ask. "Simple for you to back off Tyler's mine"She snarled. "I'm not with Tyler or anything so he's all yours"I roll my eyes.   
"Good cause your just is new fling of the week once I introduce myself to him he will instantly fall in love with me then he'll be mine."She said. I snicker "And what's so funny?" She ask annoyed. "You"I said. "And how am I funny?"She ask confuse. "Of how much of a desperate bitch you sound like"I smirk , her face turn red with anger. "Your just mad Tyler is gonna be mine!"

"I don't care you can have him"
I said pushing past them and continue my walk hearing her friends trying to stifle their laughter.

I approach our table. Everybody was already seated. I was about to take my seat when I was pulled by my waist on someone's lap. I tried to wiggle out of his grip "Unless you don't want me to get hard I will advise you to stop grinding your ass on me" he whisper close to my ear. A shiver run down my spine I stop struggling.

"Can you please let me sit on the seat?"I ask. "Fine"he mumbled placing me beside him. "Thank you"I said. "Becca what took you so long?"Ava ask. "Natalia-" I was cut off by the devil herself appearing beside Tyler, here we go again. "Hi I don't think I've introduce myself I'm Natalia and you are?" She purred.

"Tyler" he said simply returning back to his phone. "I don't think you belong at this table..." she look at us with disgust "Why don't you come sit with me and my friends?" She ask, leaning over the table practically shoving her boobs in Tyler's face.

Tyler smirk turning his attention on her. He sneak his arms around my waist, lifting me up and placing me on his lap.
"I don't think my girlfriend will approve of that"he said smugly
barring his face in the crook of my neck. I blush when Ruth and Ava gave me a 'we're talking about this later' look. I feel my heart go in overdrive with our close proximity.

His he trying to give me a heartattack?!

Natalia was face was red with anger, her eyes locked with my mine a evil smirk took over her features. "Hey Rebecca you look slutty today."

"Oh well I tried to look like you today I guess I accomplish that"
I said, everyone at the table burst out laughing.

She glared at me, "You two are gonna regret this" She threaten spinning on her heels and walking off, like a child who didn't get to play with her dolls.

"Becca you were on fire you sure thought her who's boss" Cole said. "Yea that's Natalia for you the bitch hates Becca's guts" Ruth said. "Yea it's very funny to watch the both of them get at it"
Ava said.

"Where's drew?"I ask, changing the subject from Natalia her threat really scared me, I have this bad feeling I'm not sure of what she's capable of.

"I'm right here baby don't need to miss me too much"he said sitting beside me with a smirk.
Andrew have cute nicknames
for me he calls me angel or baby.
Everybody thought we were dating when he started calling me by the nicknames I was cool with it since he's my best friend we're just close that's all. It took me about a week to convince my parents we weren't dating when Andrew called me baby Infront of them, I think they still are convince that were dating up until this day.

I roll my eyes turning my attention to Tyler, who his clenching his fist and breathing heavily. What is he so angry?

"I gotta go" he got up placing me on the chair and walked out the cafeteria. I walked out the cafeteria as well.

Tyler's POV
I walked out the cafeteria, I feel like I want to punch something. Who does he thinks he is calling
her that? Why did he call her that? Are they dating?  Does she like him? Why Fuck do I care it's her life? And why am I so mad that he called her baby.

Am I jealous?

No I'm Tyler fucking Blake I don't get jealous, I'm content on winning this bet I have to its the starting phase of my plan. I need to make her fall in love with no matter what.


I stop and turn around to face Rebecca. "What?" I ask coldly looking at her with an emotionless expression.
"Are you ok?" She ask. "I'm fine"

"Are you-" I cut her off. "I'm fine!"
I yelled at her. "What is up with you cause your obviously not fine!" She shouts. "Why don't you leave me the fuck alone and go bother him I'm not in the mood for your shit right now" I reply running my hands through my hair.

She scoff. "I don't know why I waste my time worrying for someone who doesn't care"

"I didn't ask for you to worry about me I never need it before and I don't need it now so just leave me the fuck alone" I said harshly.

Deep down I know I was glad that she cares enough to run after me and ask me if I was fine. But what am I doing am fucking pushing her away. That's what I want right?
The hurt in her eyes tug at my heart I suddenly have this urge to wrap my arms around her to remove the hurt from her eyes, but restrain myself.

"Gladly" she said walking past me. Watching her retreating steps I want to run after her and apologize but I just watch her feelings guilty for the hurt I cause her.

I need to get rid of this feeling and the only way for me to get my mind off the guilt I was feeling, I needed a distraction.

Rebecca's Pov
"Rebecca where is your partner?"
Mrs. James asked. I haven't seen Tyler since our argument, I am currently doing our English lit assignment that we should be doing together. "I don't know miss" I replied. "You can't do this assignment alone go and find your partner" She said walking over to the next group.

I just don't understand him this minute he's flirting with me and teasing me the, next he's cold and has his wall up. He keeps pushing me away I'm starting to think he's on his period with his mood swings.

I checked everywhere but I still couldn't find him,where the hell is he better not have skip school again. On my way walking back to class I hear voices coming from the janitors closet.

I stop outside the door.

And open it.

I gasp.

All the breath leaves my body.

I felt disappointed, angry and shock as I take in the scene beholds opposite me.

My body went numb, it felt like I couldn't move I just stood there frozen.

In middle of the room is Tyler occupying a chair hands an arm of it and his head thrown back at the head of it. His leather jacket is off, but that's not shocking it is Natalia, who is kneeling on the floor between his legs. Her hands on his thighs and she is just in her bra and skirt.

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