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-No One's POV-

It's a cold morning for the 2 boys who lay asleep cuddling together for warmth. It was the beginning of winter. Zak woke up and opened his eyes slowly as the light lit them up. He kissed Darryl on the lips softly to not wake him up and got up from the bed slowly trying not to disturb the other boy. He got out one of Darryl's hoodies since they were big on him and warmer than his.

Zak went to the kitchen to make Darryl some breakfast. When Darryl awoke there was no one next to him and so he got up and realized it was cold and was looking for his jacket when he saw that it wasn't there he immediately new who had it. "ZAK! DO YOU HAVE MY JACKET!?" Darryl yelled out. "MAYBE!" Zak responded. Darryl went over to the kitchen where he saw his boyfriend making pancakes in his jacket. "Babe, it's cold and I want my jacket please." Darryl said pleading. "But I'm cold too and my jackets aren't warm like yours" Zak said not turning around from what he was doing.

Darryl went up behind him and hugged him, kissing him on the cheek multiple times. Zak smiled and finished up the pancakes. "Could you grab two plates for us please?" Zak asked Darryl. "I still want my jacket though." Darryl said while grabbing the plates. Darryl placed down the plates and Zak placed 2 pancakes on each of the plates. "You can have it," Zak paused, "if you can catch me!" Zak said getting up, ready to run. "Oh it's on" Darryl said getting ready to chase Zak. Zak started running and Darryl ran after him all around the house until Zak was cornered into a wall. "Well, it looks like you caught me," He paused looking in Darryl's green eyes "But I'm coooooold. please don't make me take it off!" He pleaded giving Darryl puppy dog eyes. "Fiine, but now you have to snuggle with me under a blanket for the rest of the day."

"Sounds good to me, now let's go eat some pancakes because they're going to get cold." Zak said going back to the kitchen while holding Darryl's hand. Darryl nodded and walked with him to the kitchen. They sat down and ate their semi-cold pancakes. They talked about their fans, future streams, and other random stuff. Darryl turned on a movie for them to watch and patted the seat next to him signaling Zak to sit next to him. Zak obeyed and cuddled up to Darryl underneath the blanket since he agreed on it. 

Soon Zak fell asleep on Darryl's shoulder watching, "Love, Simon," Darryl looked at Zak and noticed this so he turned off the TV and picked up Zak bridal style. Zak moved closer to Darryl's chest for more warmth. Darryl carefully placed him on the bed and went to go change into warmer clothes. He climbed into bed careful not to wake up Zak, who was still peacefully sleeping. 

"my little muffin.." Darryl whispered to himself. Once Zak felt that he was next to him he lifted himself off the bed and pounced onto Darryl making him cough hard. "Oh my goodness! really Zak?" Darryl whisper yelled. "Sorryyy" Zak said getting comfortable next to his lover. They laid there before saying 'I love you' to eachother and slowly falling asleep. Tommorow was just another day for them


Word Count: 576

see you soon uwu


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