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- Cordelia and Ally take care of the reader when she is sick.


Illness has been creeping in on you for days now. At first, you had stubbornly tried to ignore it, brushing off the aches, coughing, and chills as if they were simply a figment of your imagination. If something wasn't there, it couldn't be real, right? Your wives had indulged your foolishness, encouraging rest and medication to ease your symptoms, though they didn't force you when you declined their every offer, temporarily blissful in your own pretend ignorance. However, when Cordelia finds you asleep in your classroom at the end of a long day, small body curled up in one of the student desks and shaking with fever, the three of you have to give in and admit the truth.

You squint as the pounding in your head takes on a heavier beat, and your legs feel like jello, but you manage to stumble along with Cordelia as she leads you up the stairs to the bedroom. Her soft hands deposit you into the safety of Ally's open arms, and the brunette sways you gently, remarking about the heat emanating off of you. "You're so warm, baby, like my own personal sunshine."

"She was sleeping in her classroom," Cordelia mentions disapprovingly. She moves across the room to gather your pajamas from the dresser, and Ally clucks her tongue in a chiding manner as your rest you head on her shoulder, nuzzling into her neck and mumbling contentedly.

"Sweetheart," Ally murmurs, gently scratching her fingers over your spine, "why didn't you let us know you felt so terribly? We could have covered your classes so you could get some rest."

You just shake your head drowsily, body slipping toward the floor in search of sleep, but Ally tugs you back up, and you grumble in protest. Everything is so hazy and your body hurts. Your stomach churns, and you push away from your wife when coughs begin forcing their way out of your lungs, eliciting pained whimpers as they burn up your throat.

Eyes wide with concern, Cordelia and Ally support you through the fit, giving you a minute to recover before they strip you bare, redressing you swiftly and escorting your shivering form to the bed. You cocoon yourself in the middle, pulling the covers over your head in an attempt to get warm, but you don't think anything will be able to help relieve you of this chill.

The duvet moves, and you groan when your face is exposed, Cordelia coming into view with a thermometer. You open your mouth obediently without having to be asked, ready for her coddling to be over with so you can get some sleep.

"I'm sorry, I know," the blonde promises. "We just need to see where your fever is at and get some medicine into you, then I'll leave you alone."

Ally's fingers brush across your brow, and you close your eyes, reaching out for a hand and feeling one immediately wrap into your own. You wince when the thermometer beeps, the shrill sound like driving nails into your skull.

"101.6," Cordelia says softly, the back of her hand fluttering across your forehead and cheeks just as Ally's had done. "You must feel awful, darling."

You stare up at them, bleary eyed as the blonde offers you a cure for your ailments. Swallowing the pills, you tug on the hand holding yours, pulling Ally down into the bed so you can curl up against her warm body and place your head on her chest. She soothes her hand through your sweaty hair, right arm sliding behind your head to grasp you tightly around the shoulders.

Wrapping an arm over your middle, Cordelia settles in behind you, providing support for your aching back, but you still feel so horrible. Your anxiety grows and grows until tears prick in your eyes- for the pain, the exhaustion, the fuzzy headedness. You whine when the droplets start sliding down your cheeks, pressing harder into Ally, and Cordelia follows your shift.

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