eight. keep the dream alive

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I've come to the realization that I will just never be as talented as Carlos. I mean it, I mean, he's out here coaching a bunch of high school students into dancing. That's, like, really hard to do. First, getting high school kids to listen to you? Nearly impossible. Second, choreographing an entire number and actually succeeding without looking dumb? Even more impossible.

I sigh, tearing my eyes away from the dancing and looking down at Rico. "I hope you turn out like Carlos," I mumble under my breath. Now I'm talking to my robotic kid. Thankfully I didn't try to continue that conversation because next thing I knew, I was being approached by Ben. He kept looking behind him in amazement, eyeing the dancers, before finally stopping in front of me. "Still don't respect the theater?"

Ben scoffed. "I never didn't respect it, just wasn't my thing."

"And now?" I pressed.

"I might join the crew for the next show," Ben admitted, a bit sheepish.

My heart leaped with joy, and I couldn't help but shift my baby to one arm to wrap the other around my little brother. I say little, but he's at least three inches taller than me, but details. Ben tensed up at my embrace, before loosening up for a second, and wrapping his other arm around me. This is nice. 

"Alright, people, and that's time!" Carlos announced, and the dancing came to a sudden stop. 

And suddenly I realized that I couldn't stay at school and pretend everything was fine and great because I was going to go outside to my mom's car where she'd greet Ben with a smile, and me with a scowl. I try to think happy thoughts because today did turn out to be a great day, but again, my mom never allows herself to leave my mind. I wonder what unique insult is going to be hurtled my way when I go in the car this time. Maybe something about how this musical is mind-numbing, and if my grades lower in the slightest, it's a direct result of taking part in this show and not because I'm so stressed that my brain is fried.

Almost like he could sense what I was thinking, Ben squeezed me to his side tightly, before releasing me. He gave a slight smile before walking across the room to get his bag. I heaved out a sigh, it's probably best if I follow him and don't keep her waiting any longer than necessary. Trudging, I walked across the room to my bag and tossed it over my shoulder.

Then I looked down at Rico, entirely too aware that Ricky was no longer in the room with us. Great, it seems like I have no option but to take Rico home with me. 

Ben was already waiting for me at the door when I made it over there, his gaze settled on Rico. "Isn't that thing supposed to shut down at a certain time?" He asked, nodding down to the baby in question.

I frown. "Don't call your nephew a thing." Ben rolled his eyes. "And today is mine and Ricky's day to have him after hours, and since Ricky isn't here, he's going home with us."

Baby Love ── RICKY BOWEN¹Where stories live. Discover now